(static) Base/Account-EditPassword()
Account-EditPassword : The Account-EditPassword endpoint renders thes edit password pages. This page allows the shopper to change their password for their account
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.https |
middleware |
csrfProtection.generateToken |
middleware |
userLoggedIn.validateLoggedIn |
middleware |
consentTracking.consent |
category |
sensitive |
renders |
isml |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Account-EditProfile()
Account-EditProfile : The Account-EditProfile endpoint renders the page that allows a shopper to edit their profile. The edit profile form is prefilled with the shopper's first name, last name, phone number and email
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.https |
middleware |
csrfProtection.generateToken |
middleware |
userLoggedIn.validateLoggedIn |
middleware |
consentTracking.consent |
category |
sensitive |
renders |
isml |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Account-Header()
Account-Header : The Account-Header endpoint is used as a remote include to include the login/account menu in the header
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.include |
querystringparameter |
mobile - a flag determining whether or not the shopper is on a mobile sized screen this determines what isml template to render |
category |
sensitive |
renders |
isml |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Account-Login()
Account-Login : The Account-Login endpoint will render the shopper's account page. Once a shopper logs in they will see is a dashboard that displays profile, address, payment and order information.
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.https |
middleware |
csrfProtection.validateAjaxRequest |
querystringparameter |
rurl - redirect url. The value of this is a number. This number then gets mapped to an endpoint set up in oAuthRenentryRedirectEndpoints.js |
httpparameter |
loginEmail - The email associated with the shopper's account. |
httpparameter |
loginPassword - The shopper's password |
httpparameter |
loginRememberMe - Whether or not the customer has decided to utilize the remember me feature. |
httpparameter |
csrf_token - a CSRF token |
category |
sensitive |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
post |
(static) Base/Account-PasswordReset()
Account-PasswordReset : The Account-PasswordReset endpoint renders the forgot your password form that allows a shopper to submit their email address in order to request a password change
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.https |
category |
sensitive |
renders |
isml |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Account-PasswordResetDialogForm()
Account-PasswordResetDialogForm : The Account-PasswordResetDialogForm endpoint is the endpoint that gets hit once the shopper has clicked forgot password and has submitted their email address to request to reset their password
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.https |
querystringparameter |
mobile - a flag determining whether or not the shopper is on a mobile sized screen |
httpparameter |
loginEmail - Input field, the shopper's email address |
category |
sensitive |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
post |
(static) Base/Account-SaveNewPassword()
Account-SaveNewPassword : The Account-SaveNewPassword endpoint handles resetting a shoppers password. This is the last step in the forgot password user flow. (This step does not log the shopper in.)
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.https |
querystringparameter |
Token - SFRA utilizes this token to retrieve the shopper |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_newPasswords_newpassword - Input field for the shopper's new password |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_newPasswords_newpasswordconfirm - Input field to confirm the shopper's new password |
httpparameter |
save - unutilized param |
category |
sensitive |
renders |
isml |
serverfunction |
post |
(static) Base/Account-SavePassword()
Account-SavePassword : The Account-SavePassword endpoint is the endpoit that handles changing the shopper's password
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.https |
middleware |
csrfProtection.validateAjaxRequest |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_profile_login_currentpassword - Input field for the shopper's current password |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_profile_login_newpasswords_newpassword - Input field for the shopper's new password |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_profile_login_newpasswords_newpasswordconfirm - Input field for the shopper to confirm their new password |
httpparameter |
csrf_token - hidden input field CSRF token |
category |
sensitive |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
post |
(static) Base/Account-SaveProfile()
Account-SaveProfile : The Account-SaveProfile endpoint is the endpoint that gets hit when a shopper has edited their profile
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.https |
middleware |
csrfProtection.validateAjaxRequest |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_profile_customer_firstname - Input field for the shoppers's first name |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_profile_customer_lastname - Input field for the shopper's last name |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_profile_customer_phone - Input field for the shopper's phone number |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_profile_customer_email - Input field for the shopper's email address |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_profile_customer_emailconfirm - Input field for the shopper's email address |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_profile_login_password - Input field for the shopper's password |
httpparameter |
csrf_token - hidden input field CSRF token |
category |
sensititve |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
post |
(static) Base/Account-SetNewPassword()
Account-SetNewPassword : The Account-SetNewPassword endpoint renders the page that displays the password reset form
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.https |
middleware |
consentTracking.consent |
querystringparameter |
Token - SFRA utilizes this token to retrieve the shopper |
category |
sensitive |
renders |
isml |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Account-Show()
Account-Show : The Account-Show endpoint will render the shopper's account page. Once a shopper logs in they will see is a dashboard that displays profile, address, payment and order information.
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.https |
middleware |
userLoggedIn.validateLoggedIn |
middleware |
consentTracking.consent |
querystringparameter |
registration - A flag determining whether or not this is a newly registered account |
category |
senstive |
renders |
isml |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Account-SubmitRegistration()
Account-SubmitRegistration : The Account-SubmitRegistration endpoint is the endpoint that gets hit when a shopper submits their registration for a new account
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.https |
middleware |
csrfProtection.validateAjaxRequest |
querystringparameter |
rurl - redirect url. The value of this is a number. This number then gets mapped to an endpoint set up in oAuthRenentryRedirectEndpoints.js |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_profile_customer_firstname - Input field for the shoppers's first name |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_profile_customer_lastname - Input field for the shopper's last name |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_profile_customer_phone - Input field for the shopper's phone number |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_profile_customer_email - Input field for the shopper's email address |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_profile_customer_emailconfirm - Input field for the shopper's email address |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_profile_login_password - Input field for the shopper's password |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_profile_login_passwordconfirm: - Input field for the shopper's password to confirm |
httpparameter |
dwfrm_profile_customer_addtoemaillist - Checkbox for whether or not a shopper wants to be added to the mailing list |
httpparameter |
csrf_token - hidden input field CSRF token |
category |
sensitive |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
post |