
Name Description
AddressBook Represents a set of addresses associated with a specific customer.
AgentUserMgr Provides helper methods for handling agent user functionality (login and logout) Pay attention to appropriate legal and regulatory requirements related to this functionality.
AgentUserStatusCodes AgentUserStatusCodes contains constants representing status codes that can be used with a Status object to indicate the success or failure of the agent user login process.
AuthenticationStatus Holds the status of an authentication process.
Credentials Represents the credentials of a customer.
Customer Represents a customer.
CustomerActiveData Represents the active data for a Customer in Commerce Cloud Digital.
CustomerAddress The Address class represents a customer's address.
CustomerCDPData Represents the read-only Customer's Salesforce CDP (Customer Data Platform) data for a Customer in Commerce Cloud.
CustomerContextMgr Provides helper methods for managing customer context, such as the Effective Time for which the customer is shopping at
CustomerGroup CustomerGroups provide a means to segment customers by various criteria.
CustomerList Object representing the collection of customers who are registered for a given site.
CustomerMgr Provides helper methods for managing customers and customer profiles.
CustomerPasswordConstraints Provides access to the constraints of customer passwords.
CustomerPaymentInstrument Represents any payment instrument stored in the customers profile, such as credit card or bank transfer.
CustomerStatusCodes CustomerStatusCodes contains constants representing status codes that can be used with a Status object to indicate the success or failure of an operation.See Also:Status
EncryptedObject Defines a API base class for classes containing encrypted attributes like credit cards.
ExternalProfile Represents the credentials of a customer.
OrderHistory The class provides access to past orders of the customer.
ProductList Represents a list of products (and optionally a gift certificate) that is typically maintained by a customer.
ProductListItem An item in a product list.
ProductListItemPurchase A record of the purchase of an item contained in a product list.
ProductListMgr ProductListMgr provides methods for retrieving, creating, searching for, and removing product lists.
ProductListRegistrant A ProductListRegistrant is typically associated with an event related product list such as a gift registry.
Profile The class represents a customer profile.
Wallet Represents a set of payment instruments associated with a registered customer.