Assign a Price Book or Promotion to a Specific Store

With Store-Specific Pricing and Promotions, you can select a price book for each of your stores, up to 2,000. The assignments framework lets merchants and developers set qualifiers, such as a store, that activate certain experiences, such as a promotion. You can also assign a promotion to a specific store. This feature is currently only supported via XML import. To use a site assignment, a developer must first edit the assignments XML to include a store assignment. Currently only stores can be listed as assignments.

  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Online Marketing > Import & Export.
  2. Click Import in the Assignments section.
  3. Select the file with your assignments and click Next.
  4. Consider the following sample code for assignments.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <assignments xmlns="">
        <assignment assignment-id="Storeassignment_A">
            <description xml:lang="x-default">Price books and promotions assigned to Store A</description>
            <description xml:lang="zh-CN">万能青年旅店</description>
            <qualifiers match-mode="any">
                <qualifier type="Store">Store A</qualifier>
You can see the status of your file. Hit refresh until the import concludes. The import can take a few minutes.
To display store-specific experiences on the storefront, a developer must update their SFRA cartridge or write an OCAPI hook to set the store in session.