Migrate Site Traffic

Configure traffic migration to move traffic over to eCDN

  1. Pre-validate the hostname if you want to. This step is required when the following conditions apply:
    • You want to avoid downtime when cutting traffic over to eCDN
    • You want to stack a third-party CDN in front of eCDN, for example, Akamai
    For each host name, validate control over the domain by submitting the TXT records to your DNS provider. TXT record, host names, and targets are listed in the response of a GET certificates call for a host name that isn’t validated. See getCertificates.
    • Eample TXT validation record:
    _cf-custom-hostname.stg.mystore.com. IN TXT 3adc7a39-12d7-4baf-be1b-c5ea5295181b

    If Commerce Cloud Engineering completed the eCDN configurations, they provide you the TXT validation record.

    IMPORTANT: Submit validation records as soon as possible. After the configurations are created, automated validation checks are performed up to 4 hours apart for 7 days. If you don’t complete the validation within 7 days, you can request Commerce Cloud Engineering to manually restart the validation checks.

  2. Send traffic directly to eCDN by updating DNS to the CNAME values. The CNAME target uses this format: commcloud.<zone_name>.
    Example CNAME record:

    stg.mystore.com. IN CNAME commcloud.stg-abcd-mystore-com.cc-ecdn.net.

    Note: If you don’t pre-validate the hostname, pointing traffic directly to the eCDN serves as validation. This approach results in downtime for the period between when DNS is updated and the next validation check.
  3. (Optional) Stack a third-party eCDN. This step requires a validated host name.
    Ensure that the connections to eCDN use SNI. SNI is required for eCDN configurations.
  4. (Optional) Delete the TXT validation records.
    Before you delete the records, confirm that the host name is validated and that traffic is flowing through eCDN.