Find, Create, and Edit a Customer

An agent can search, create, and edit a customer. The agent must have permission to use Customer Service Center.

  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Ordering > Customer Service Center.
  2. Click Find Customer.
  3. To create a customer, click Create Customer and enter the required information.
  4. To find a customer, enter a portion of the customer's name.
  5. (optional) To filter by customer number, first name, last name, email, company name, or phone click the Filter icon.
  6. To create an order for the customer, click New Order next to the customer's name and enter or select the information to create an order.
    Order number length can't be more than 50 characters.
  7. To edit the customer name, email, whether the customer is enabled, or preferred locale, click Edit Customer.
  8. To reset the customer's password, click Reset Password.
    Note: Development work is required to implement the reset password hook. For details on using hooks to customize Customer Service Center, see Customer Service Center Hooks.
  9. To view a customer's orders, click the Order History tab.
    The customer's order history across sites appears.
  10. To view the customer's baskets, click the Baskets tab.
  11. To delete a customer basket, click the trash can icon beside the basket.
  12. To see a customer's addresses, click the Addresses tab.
  13. To remove a customer's address, click the trash can icon beside the address.
    Note: In Business Manager, you can manually add or update the billing and address form fields with dropdown values appropriate for your state or province and country. See Customer Service Center Customizable Areas.
  14. To edit a customer's address, click the address ID.
  15. To create an address for the customer, click New Address.
  16. To browse the related storefront on behalf of the customer, click Storefront.