Enable and Disable an API Client ID

Account administrators can use Account Manager to enable and disable API clients. The Open Commerce API requires to be accessed with API clients. The API client ID needs to be appended to the URLs used to interact with the Open Commerce API. An API client is also required to use the On-Demand Sandbox API.

To enable or disable an API client:
  1. Log into Account Manager.
  2. Click API Client.

    The API Clients page opens, showing a list of API clients. For each client, the page shows the API client ID, display name, and status.

  3. Click the ID of the API client you want to enable or disable.

    The API Client page opens.

  4. Modify the value of the Enabled field in the Access Control section, checking it to enable the API client or unchecking it to disable the API client.
  5. Click Save.
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