Integrating with Applications

Integrate external applications with B2C Commerce using data exchange protocols.

Data Exchange Protocol Description
WSDL 1.0 (Web Services Definition Language) XML format that lets service interfaces be described, along with the details of their binds to specific protocols. Used to generate server and client code and for configuration.
SOAP 1.1 (Simple Object Access Protocol) XML-based, extensible message envelope format, with 'bindings' to underlying protocols (for example, HTTP, SMTP and XMPP).
Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) Presents a distributed function (or method) call interface. Typically the base unit of RPC Web Services is the WSDL operation.
Document style Web Service Supported in the unwrapped mode
HTTP or HTTPS protocol B2C Commerce supports many types of URLs and can transfer various content.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Supports upload and download of files on the back-end such as XML and CSV, with B2C Commerce acting as an FTP client.
SMTP Email can be sent from B2C Commerce to other systems.
WebDAV Administrators and developers use WebDAV to manage files and folders on B2C Commerce servers.
HTML UI Business Manager provides an HTML user interface to manage system data and to upload and download data feeds, product images, and other static content. More HTML interfaces might be implemented for user interaction.
URLs External systems can call B2C Commerce URLs.
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