
Salesforce B2C Commerce is localizable, from business objects (for example, catalogs, products, and attributes) to the storefront.

To localize your B2C Commerce site:

  1. Identify which components of your storefront require localization, for example, content assets, products, product attributes, and currency.
  2. Determine how to architect localization for your business: processed using localized templates or properties files, depending on your approach.
  3. Identify which languages you support and how they interrelate. For example, when creating US and Spanish storefront versions, you might want to use the same underlying business objects. When in the storefront, a user can select a location, which specifies to B2C Commerce the file set from which to select. Alternatively, when supporting multiple European languages, you could offer products that are unique for a particular country, thus requiring unique catalog data for each locale.
  4. Configure locale settings at the organization and site level.

There are some situations, however, where localization isn't possible.

Note: B2C Commerce supports Asian languages.


B2C Commerce includes current world currency data. There is no need to add, edit, or remove currencies through Business Manager. You can, however, define how a currency appears for a locale. For example, the decimal positive pattern is defined as #,##0.00 for the Default (default) locale.

The appropriate currency is automatically selected in the storefront based on the selected locale. The currency assigned to the default locale is the lead locale of B2C Commerce.

Note: B2C Commerce uses the $ for United States dollar (USD). For other currencies, the $ symbol is prefixed with letters based on common convention. For example, A$ denotes the Australian dollar.

Two-Character Country Codes

B2C Commerce uses country codes for various features, such as:

  • Customer address and order address
  • Tax jurisdictions
  • Store locator
  • Rule evaluation of a dynamic customer group
  • Shipping address exclusion
  • Product lists
  • Geolocations

B2C Commerce supports two-character country codes per ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 only. B2C Commerce doesn't support other standards, such as 3-letter codes. Using them might result in some features no longer working correctly. For example, if you store 3-letter country codes in order addresses, the export of such orders would fail. Export files would be invalid per the B2C Commerce order.xsd schema.

See the API documentation on the following:

  • Package: dw.customer
  • Class: CustomerAddress
  • Property: countryCode : EnumValue (The customer's country code).
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