Manage Credit/Debit Cards

Use Business Manager to create and manage your credit and debit cards. The default credit and debit cards include: Visa, Master (Master Card), Discover, Diners Club (Diners Club International).

Note: Content Warning: The content on this page necessarily engages with noninclusive language that can be emotionally and intellectually challenging.

Payment instruments, such as debit and credit cards are not removed from Salesforce B2C Commerce, but are masked after a data retention period that you can configure. If no retention period is specified, B2C Commerce uses 12 months as the retention period. While credit card payment instrument types are masked based on credit card validity, payment instruments of any other type are masked after the data retention period expires.

Payment instruments assigned to orders are masked after the data retention period expires. You can configure the data retention period in site order preferences.

  1. Select site > Ordering > Payment Methods.
  2. On the Payment Method List page, click Credit/Debit Cards to open a page that lets you manage cards that are in the context of the default payment method CREDIT_CARD, not for any other payment method.
  3. On the Manage Credit/Debit Card page, select a credit or debit card to modify or click New to add a credit or debit card.
  4. Specify values to restrict payment methods and cards.
    Option Description
    Description Enter a description of the card. Click the HTML Editor link to edit the text using an editor.
    Image Select the image to represent the card.
    Countries Restrict this card to one or more countries.
    Currencies Restrict this card to one or more currencies. (This field is visible only if the Multi-Currency Sites feature is enabled.)
    Customer Groups Restrict this card to one or more customer groups.
    Min/Max payment Range Restrict this card to a payment amount range limited by minimum and maximum amount. You can specify minimum and maximum amounts for each allowed currency.
    Security Code Length Select the length of the security code, three or four characters or none.
    Card Number Verification

    Enter the card verification numbers.

    Note: Mastercard has received an additional range of 2-series numbers (range 222100-272099) to add to the 5-series (range 510000-559999) that they currently provide. Starting in 18.1, the predefined setting for the Mastercard number verification is now "2221-2720,51-55" instead of "51-55."
    Card Number length Restrict the card number length.
    Checksum Verifications Will checksum verification be performed? Yes or No.
  5. Click Apply to accept any changes.
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