Create a Gift Certificate

Create gift certificates individually using Business Manager. Because you can't stage gift certificates, create and manage them in your Production environment.

Whether a gift certificate is redeemable depends on its status and whether it's enabled. After a gift certificate is created, its value cannot be edited. It can only be redeemed.

Status Description Enabled=True Enabled=False
Pending An existing, unredeemable gift certificate Not redeemable Not redeemable
Issued An existing, unused gift certificate Redeemable Not redeemable
Partially Redeemed A gift certificate with part of the balance redeemed Redeemable Not redeemable
Redeemed A gift certificate with no remaining balance Not redeemable Not redeemable
  1. Select Merchant Tools > site > Online Marketing > Gift Certificates.
    To edit or delete a coupon, use the menu at the end of the row.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter the required information and click Apply.

    System-generated gift certificate codes are 16 characters and alpha-numeric. Salesforce B2C Commerce supports legacy 10-character codes for backward compatibility.

  4. To view the list of gift certificates, click Find.
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