Class Log
A log4j like logger instance. To obtain such an instance, use the Logger.getRootLogger() or Logger.getLogger(String) or Logger.getLogger(String, String) methods.
debugEnabled  :  boolean  (Read Only)
This method returns true if debug logging is enabled for this logging instance.
errorEnabled  :  boolean  (Read Only)
This method returns true if error logging is enabled for this logging instance.
infoEnabled  :  boolean  (Read Only)
This method returns true if information logging is enabled for this logging instance.
NDC  :  LogNDC  (Read Only)
The Nested Diagnostic Context for this script call.
warnEnabled  :  boolean  (Read Only)
This method returns true if warning logging is enabled for this logging instance.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
debug(msg : String, args : Object...) : void
The method reports an debug level message.
error(msg : String, args : Object...) : void
The method reports an error level message.
fatal(msg : String, args : Object...) : void
The method reports an warning level message.
static getNDC() : LogNDC
Returns the Nested Diagnostic Context for this script call.
info(msg : String, args : Object...) : void
The method reports an information level message.
isDebugEnabled() : boolean
This method returns true if debug logging is enabled for this logging instance.
isErrorEnabled() : boolean
This method returns true if error logging is enabled for this logging instance.
isInfoEnabled() : boolean
This method returns true if information logging is enabled for this logging instance.
isWarnEnabled() : boolean
This method returns true if warning logging is enabled for this logging instance.
warn(msg : String, args : Object...) : void
The method reports an warning level message.
Method Detail
debug(msg : String, args : Object...) : void
The method reports an debug level message. Arguments can be embedded into the message, e.g. like "Failure {0} in {1}". The method implements the Java MessageFormat.format() syntax.
msg - the message to log.
args - the arguments to insert into the message.

error(msg : String, args : Object...) : void
The method reports an error level message. Arguments can be embedded into the message, e.g. like "Failure {0} in {1}". The method implements the Java MessageFormat.format() syntax.
msg - the message to log.
args - the arguments to insert into the message.

fatal(msg : String, args : Object...) : void
The method reports an warning level message. Arguments can be embedded into the message, e.g. like "Failure {0} in {1}". The method implements the Java MessageFormat.format() syntax. Note: Fatal log messages are always enabled and optionally send via E-Mail.
msg - the message to log.
args - the arguments to insert into the message.

static getNDC() : LogNDC
Returns the Nested Diagnostic Context for this script call.
the nested diagnostic context

info(msg : String, args : Object...) : void
The method reports an information level message. Arguments can be embedded into the message, e.g. like "Failure {0} in {1}". The method implements the Java MessageFormat.format() syntax.
msg - the message to log.
args - the arguments to insert into the message.

isDebugEnabled() : boolean
This method returns true if debug logging is enabled for this logging instance.
true if logging of debug messages is enabled, false otherwise.

isErrorEnabled() : boolean
This method returns true if error logging is enabled for this logging instance.
true if logging of error messages is enabled, false otherwise.

isInfoEnabled() : boolean
This method returns true if information logging is enabled for this logging instance.
true if logging of information messages is enabled, false otherwise.

isWarnEnabled() : boolean
This method returns true if warning logging is enabled for this logging instance.
true if logging of warning messages is enabled, false otherwise.

warn(msg : String, args : Object...) : void
The method reports an warning level message. Arguments can be embedded into the message, e.g. like "Failure {0} in {1}". The method implements the Java MessageFormat.format() syntax.
msg - the message to log.
args - the arguments to insert into the message.