
Review the GetImpExProcessingPath.ds referenced script files when scheduling inventory imports.

Note: This code is provided as a sample. It isn't a supported part of the SiteGenesis application.
 * GetImpExProcessingPath.ds
 * Get the import processing path.
 * @input TaskDirectoryName   : String  Task directory name
 * @input SiteID     : String  Site ID
 * @input FileName   : String  File name
 * @input ImpexRoot   : Boolean  Root directory is IMPEX [default: false]
 * @input FileExtension   : String  Processing File Extension [.processing]
 * @input sampleLogger    : Object  Sample logger
 * @output ImpExProcessing  : Import/Export processing file
 * @output ImpExProcessingPath : String  Import/Export processing file path
 * @output sampleLogger   : Object  Debug output for Sample logger
 * @output sampleError    : Object  Error output for Sample logger
// Sample Logging ImportScript
function execute(pdict : PipelineDictionary) : Number {
 // Sample Logging var
 var _context : String = new Context("GetImpExProcessingPath.ds");
 var _logger : Log = Log.getLogger(pdict);
 // check for mandatory pipelet input parameters
 if(empty(pdict.TaskDirectoryName) || empty(pdict.SiteID) || empty(pdict.FileName)) {
  _logger.error(_context, "Mandatory pipelet input parameters are missing or null.");  
  return PIPELET_ERROR; 
 // get site id
 var siteId : String = pdict.SiteID;
 // processing file extension
 var processingFileExtension : String = pdict.FileExtension;
 // impex file path
 var impexPath : String = File.IMPEX + File.SEPARATOR + 'src' + File.SEPARATOR;
 // IMPEX is root directory
 var impexRoot : Boolean = empty(pdict.ImpexRoot) || (pdict.ImpexRoot == false) ? false : true;
 _logger.debug(_context,"Impex Root: " + impexRoot + " -- Impex Root Dictionary Value: "+pdict.ImpexRoot);
 var rootPath : String = impexRoot ? impexPath  +  'datafeeds' : 'datafeeds';
 // site specific impex base path
 var impexBasePath : String = rootPath + File.SEPARATOR + siteId + File.SEPARATOR;
 _logger.debug(_context,"UNA: " + impexBasePath);
 // get import processing path
 var impexProcessingPath : String = impexBasePath + pdict.TaskDirectoryName + File.SEPARATOR + 'processing' + File.SEPARATOR + pdict.FileName;
 if(!empty(processingFileExtension)) {
  impexProcessingPath += processingFileExtension;
 _logger.debug(_context,"Processing Path: " + impexProcessingPath);
 var filePath = impexPath + siteId + File.SEPARATOR + pdict.TaskDirectoryName + File.SEPARATOR + 'processing' + File.SEPARATOR + pdict.FileName;
 _logger.debug(_context,"File Path: " + filePath);
 try {
  pdict.ImpExProcessing  = new File(filePath);
  pdict.ImpExProcessingPath = impexProcessingPath;
 catch(e) {
  var exception : sampleException = new sampleException(_context, "Error occurred while creating ImpEx processing file", e);
  pdict.sampleError = exception; 
  return PIPELET_ERROR;  