Specify Instance Permissions for a User in Control Center

If you were assigned the Control Center Administrator role in Account Manager, or if you were granted the Grant Permissions permission in Control Center, you can grant other users permissions to your instances. If your organization has a small number of users, specifying permissions individually might be the simplest way to complete your configuration. If your organization has a large number of users, you should also consider using roles. You can also combine both configuration techniques.

To specify instance-level permissions for an individual user, perform the following steps.

  1. Log into Control Center.
  2. Click Users.
    You can click Users only if you were assigned the Control Center Administrator role. If you were not assigned this role, you can specify instance permissions by navigating to an instance and clicking the Users tab. From the Users tab, you can search for a user or click Add Users. After you find or add a user, you can specify the instance permissions (described in Step 3).
    The Users view opens, listing all of the users in your organization.
  3. Click the name of a user in the list.
    If the list is long, you can search for a user instead of scrolling.
    A view opens for the user you selected, a view consisting of two tabs: Instances and Roles. You can optionally assign the user to a role by clicking the Roles tab.
  4. On the Instances tab, click Add Instances.
    The Select Instances slider opens. The slider shows a list of all realms in your organization. Each realm is collapsed, but you can expand a realm to see the instances within it.
  5. Select one or more instances in one or more realms, and click Add.
    Each instance that you selected is added to the list of instances on the Instances tab, organized by realm. Assuming you have sufficient permissions, you can specify permissions for PIG instances, SIG instances, and on-demand sandbox (ODS) instances.
    Note: The permissions available for assignment depend on the instance type (PIG, SIG, or ODS)
    • Reset: Available to SIG and ODS instances only. Grants the user assigned to this role the ability to initialize an instance using Reset.
    • Start/Stop: Grants the user assigned to this role the ability to stop, start, and restart an instance.
    • View Statistics: Applies to PIG and SIG instances only. Grants the user assigned to this role the ability to view usage statistics for an instance.
      Note: Currently, statistics are not available for ODS instances.
    • Grant Permissions: Grants the user assigned to this role the ability to administratively give other users permissions against the instance.
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