OCAPI 23.2 changes since 18.1
The following sections describe all changes made to OCAPI since version 18.1.
Resources added, modified, or removed since 18.1
Documents added, modified, or removed since 18.1
Document Name | Change | API | Details |
AccessKeyDetails | Added | Data API | N/A |
AccessKeyUpdateRequest | Added | Data API | N/A |
AlertDescriptor | Added | Data API | N/A |
AlertDescriptorSettings | Added | Data API | N/A |
AlertDescriptors | Added | Data API | N/A |
AlertDescriptorsRevalidationRequest | Added | Data API | N/A |
AlertItem | Added | Data API | N/A |
AlertItems | Added | Data API | N/A |
AlertSettings | Added | Data API | N/A |
ApplicationPermissions | Added | Data API | N/A |
AssignedExperiences | Added | Data API | N/A |
AssignedQualifiers | Added | Data API | N/A |
Assignment | Added | Data API | N/A |
BMPermissions | Added | Data API | N/A |
Basket | Changed | Shop API | More |
CSCPermissions | Added | Data API | N/A |
CartridgePathAddRequest | Added | Data API | N/A |
CartridgePathApiResponse | Added | Data API | N/A |
CartridgePathCreateRequest | Added | Data API | N/A |
CatalogCategoryId | Added | Data API | N/A |
Category | Changed | Shop API | More |
Coupon | Changed | Data API | More |
Customer | Changed | Data API | More |
Customer | Changed | Shop API | More |
CustomersExtProfile | Added | Shop API | N/A |
EcdnLogFetchRequest | Added | Data API | N/A |
EcdnLogFetchResponse | Added | Data API | N/A |
ExportDataUnitsConfiguration | Added | Data API | N/A |
ExportGlobalDataConfiguration | Added | Data API | N/A |
ExportSitesConfiguration | Added | Data API | N/A |
FunctionalPermission | Added | Data API | N/A |
FunctionalPermissions | Added | Data API | N/A |
GroupedTax | Added | Shop API | N/A |
ImageGroup | Added | Data API | N/A |
JobExecution | Changed | Data API | More |
JobExecutionContinueInformation | Added | Data API | N/A |
JobExecutionRetryInformation | Added | Data API | N/A |
JobStepExecution | Changed | Data API | More |
LocalePermission | Added | Data API | N/A |
LocalePermissions | Added | Data API | N/A |
Master | Changed | Data API | More |
Master | Changed | Shop API | More |
MenuAction | Added | Data API | N/A |
MenuItem | Added | Data API | N/A |
MetricResponse | Added | Data API | N/A |
ModulePermissions | Added | Data API | N/A |
OcapiConfigsApiRequest | Added | Data API | N/A |
OcapiConfigsApiResponse | Added | Data API | N/A |
Order | Changed | Shop API | More |
OrderConfirmationStatusUpdateRequest | Added | Data API | N/A |
OrderExportStatusUpdateRequest | Added | Data API | N/A |
OrderExternalStatusUpdateRequest | Added | Data API | N/A |
OrderPaymentStatusUpdateRequest | Added | Data API | N/A |
OrderShippingStatusUpdateRequest | Added | Data API | N/A |
OrderStatusUpdateRequest | Added | Data API | N/A |
OrderUpdateRequest | Added | Data API | N/A |
PathRecord | Added | Shop API | N/A |
PaymentInstrumentUpdateRequest | Added | Data API | N/A |
PaymentTransactionUpdateRequest | Added | Data API | N/A |
Product | Changed | Data API | More |
Product | Changed | Shop API | More |
ProductInventoryRecordAllocation | Changed | Data API | More |
ProductRecommendationsResult | Added | Shop API | N/A |
ProductSearchHit | Changed | Shop API | More |
Promotion | Changed | Data API | More |
PromotionCampaignAssignment | Changed | Data API | More |
Recommender | Added | Data API | N/A |
RecommendersResult | Added | Data API | N/A |
ResourceInfo | Added | Data API | N/A |
ResourceObject | Added | Data API | N/A |
Role | Changed | Data API | More |
RoleFunctionalPermission | Added | Data API | N/A |
RoleFunctionalPermissions | Added | Data API | N/A |
RoleLocalePermission | Added | Data API | N/A |
RoleLocalePermissions | Added | Data API | N/A |
RoleModulePermission | Added | Data API | N/A |
RoleModulePermissions | Added | Data API | N/A |
RolePermissions | Added | Data API | N/A |
RoleSearchRequest | Added | Data API | N/A |
RoleWebdavPermission | Added | Data API | N/A |
RoleWebdavPermissions | Added | Data API | N/A |
Roles | Changed | Data API | More |
SearchIndexUpdateConfiguration | Added | Data API | N/A |
ShippingAddressUpdateRequest | Added | Data API | N/A |
Site | Changed | Data API | More |
SiteArchiveExportConfiguration | Added | Data API | N/A |
SiteResourceInfo | Added | Data API | N/A |
SortingRule | Changed | Data API | More |
SortingRuleSearchResult | Added | Data API | N/A |
StatusMetadata | Added | Data API | N/A |
TrustedSystemAuthRequest | Added | Shop API | N/A |
User | Changed | Data API | More |
Variant | Changed | Data API | More |
Variant | Changed | Shop API | More |
VariationGroup | Changed | Data API | More |
VariationGroup | Changed | Shop API | More |
VersionRangeObject | Added | Data API | N/A |
WebdavPermission | Added | Data API | N/A |
WebdavPermissions | Added | Data API | N/A |
Details about modified resources
The following requests have been modified since 18.1.
DELETE /sites/{site_id}/ab_tests/{ab_test_id}/segments/{segment_id}/sorting_rules/{sorting_rule_id}/{category_id}
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Query Parameter | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: rule_context Type: String Description: the optional context of the sorting rule, either "site" (default) or "global" Constraints: strings=["global", "site"] |
PUT /sites/{site_id}/ab_tests/{ab_test_id}/segments/{segment_id}/sorting_rules/{sorting_rule_id}/{category_id}
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Query Parameter | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: rule_context Type: String Description: the optional context of the sorting rule, either "site" (default) or "global" Constraints: strings=["global", "site"] |
DELETE /baskets/{basket_id}
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Fault | Added | Shop | N/A |
BasketNotFoundException(404): Indicates that the basket with the given basket id is unknown. basketId (String) |
Fault | Changed | Shop |
InvalidCustomerException(400): Indicates that the customer assigned to the basket does not match the verified customer represented by the JWT, not relevant when using OAuth. |
InvalidCustomerException(400): Indicates that the customer assigned to the basket does not match the verified customer represented by the JWT, not relevant when using OAuth. |
PUT /baskets/{basket_id}/agent
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Title | Changed | Shop | Put a basket as storefront basket. | Put a basket as agent basket. |
DELETE /baskets/{basket_id}/items/{item_id}
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Fault | Added | Shop | N/A |
ProductItemNotFoundException(404): Indicates that the product item with the given product item id is unknown. itemId (String) |
Fault | Changed | Shop |
InvalidCustomerException(400): Indicates that the customer assigned to the basket does not match the verified customer represented by the JWT, not relevant when using OAuth. |
InvalidCustomerException(400): Indicates that the customer assigned to the basket does not match the verified customer represented by the JWT, not relevant when using OAuth. |
Fault | Changed | Shop |
BasketNotFoundException(404): Indicates that the basket with the given basket id is unknown. basketId (String) |
BasketNotFoundException(404): Indicates that the basket with the given basket id is unknown. basketId (String) |
DELETE /baskets/{basket_id}/payment_instruments/{payment_instrument_id}
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Fault | Added | Shop | N/A |
PaymentInstrumentNotFoundException(404): Indicates that the payment instrument with the given payment instrument number is unknown. paymentInstrumentId (String) |
PUT /sites/{site_id}/campaigns/{campaign_id}/promotions/{promotion_id}
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Body | Changed | Data | None | PromotionCampaignAssignment |
DELETE /sites/{site_id}/campaigns/{campaign_id}/sorting_rules/{sorting_rule_id}/{category_id}
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Query Parameter | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: rule_context Type: String Description: The context in which the rule lives, either "site" or "global"the optional context of the sorting rule, either "site" (default) or "global" Constraints: strings=["global", "site"] |
PUT /sites/{site_id}/campaigns/{campaign_id}/sorting_rules/{sorting_rule_id}/{category_id}
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Description | Changed | Data | Action to bind a single sorting rule to a given campaign. Lookup of the sorting rule is done in the site | Action to bind a single sorting rule to a given campaign. |
Query Parameter | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: rule_context Type: String Description: The context in which the rule lives, either "site" or "global"the optional context of the sorting rule, either "site" (default) or "global" Constraints: strings=["global", "site"] |
GET /categories/({id},...,{id})
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Description | Changed | Shop | When you use the URL template below, the server returns multiple categories (a result object of category documents). You can use this template as a convenient way of obtaining multiple categories in a single request, instead of issuing separate requests for each category. You can specify multiple ids (up to a maximum of 50). You must enclose the list of ids in parentheses. If a category identifier contains a parenthesis or the separator sign, you must URL encode the character. Please note, using a large value for levels parameter may cause performance issues in case of a large and deep category tree. The server only returns online categories. | When you use the URL template below, the server returns multiple categories (a result object of category documents). You can use this template as a convenient way of obtaining multiple categories in a single request, instead of issuing separate requests for each category. You can specify multiple ids (up to a maximum of 50). You must enclose the list of ids in parentheses. If a category identifier contains a parenthesis or the separator sign, you must URL encode the character. The server only returns online categories. |
Query Parameter | Changed | Shop |
Name: levels Description: Specifies how many levels of nested subcategories you want the server to return. The default value is 1. |
Name: levels Description: Specifies how many levels of nested subcategories you want the server to return. The default value is 1. Valid values are 0, 1, or 2. |
GET /categories/{id}
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Description | Changed | Shop | When you use the URL template below, the server returns a category identified by its id; by default, the server also returns the first level of subcategories, but you can specify another level by setting the levels parameter. Please note, using a large value for levels may cause performance issues in case of a large and deep category tree. The server only returns online categories. | When you use the URL template below, the server returns a category identified by its id; by default, the server also returns the first level of subcategories, but you can specify another level by setting the levels parameter. The server only returns online categories. |
Query Parameter | Changed | Shop |
Name: levels Description: Specifies how many levels of nested subcategories you want the server to return. The default value is 1. |
Name: levels Description: Specifies how many levels of nested subcategories you want the server to return. The default value is 1. Valid values are 0, 1, or 2. |
GET /customers/{customer_id}/baskets
PUT /customers/{customer_id}/password
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Title | Changed | Shop | Updates a customer's password. | Update a customer's password. |
Description | Changed | Shop | Updates the customer's password. | Updates a customer's password. The default implementation updates the password in the resource. Versions prior to 21.3 updated the password in the afterPUT hook, which was incompatible with the Mercury API. Starting in version 21.3, the afterPUT_v2 hook replaces the afterPUT hook. |
Fault | Changed | Shop |
InvalidCustomerException(400): If customerId URL parameter does not match the verified customer represented by the JWT, not relevant when using OAuth. |
InvalidCustomerException(400): If customerId URL parameter does not match the verified customer represented by the JWT, not relevant when using OAuth. |
Fault | Changed | Shop |
CustomerNotFoundException(404): Indicates that the customer with the given customer id is unknown. customerId (String) |
CustomerNotFoundException(404): Indicates that the customer with the given customer id is unknown. customerId (String) |
POST /customers/{customer_id}/password_reset
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Title | Changed | Shop | Starts a password reset process | Starts a password reset process for given customer |
GET /customers/{customer_id}/product_lists
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Description | Changed | Shop | Returns all customer product lists. | Returns all customer product lists in a paginated manner. |
Path Parameter | Changed | Shop |
Name: customer_id Description: The customer id. |
Name: customer_id Description: - The customer id. |
Query Parameter | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: start Type: Integer Description: - The start of the product List Constraints: minIntegerValue=0 |
Query Parameter | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: count Type: Integer Description: - The count returned per page Constraints: maxIntegerValue=200, minIntegerValue=1 |
Query Parameter | Changed | Shop |
Name: expand Description: The possible expansions - product, images, availability. For images and availability the product has to be expanded as well. |
Name: expand Description: - The possible expansions - product, images, availability. For images and availability the product has to be expanded as well. |
DELETE /orders/{order_no}/payment_instruments/{payment_instrument_id}
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Fault | Added | Shop | N/A |
PaymentInstrumentNotFoundException(404): Indicates that the payment instrument with the given payment instrument number is unknown. paymentInstrumentId (String) |
GET /products/{id}
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Query Parameter | Changed | Data |
Name: expand Description: The list of expansions that can be applied to the product. They are:
Name: expand Description: The list of expansions that can be applied to the product. They are:
GET /products/({id},...,{id})
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Description | Changed | Shop | Allows to access multiple products by a single request. This convenience resource should be used instead making separated requests. This saves bandwidth and CPU time on the server. The URI is the same like requesting a single Product by id, but multiple ids wrapped by parentheses and separated can be provided. If a parenthesis or the separator is part of the identifier itself it has to be URL encoded. Instead of a single Product document a result object of Product documents is returned. Note: Only products that are online and assigned to site catalog are returned. The maximum number of ids is 50. | Allows to access multiple products by a single request. This convenience resource should be used instead making separated requests. This saves bandwidth and CPU time on the server. The URI is the same like requesting a single Product by id, but multiple ids wrapped by parentheses and separated can be provided. If a parenthesis or the separator is part of the identifier itself it has to be URL encoded. Instead of a single Product document a result object of Product documents is returned. Note: Only products that are online and assigned to site catalog are returned. The maximum number of ids is 24. If none of the products requested are found, the cache-control header will be defaulted to 60 seconds. |
Path Parameter | Changed | Shop |
Name: ids Constraints: maxItems=50, maxLength=100 |
Name: ids Constraints: maxItems=24, maxLength=100 |
Query Parameter | Changed | Shop |
Name: expand Description: The expand parameter. A comma separated list with the allowed values (availability, bundled_products, links, promotions, options, images, prices, variations, set_products) |
Name: expand Description: The expand parameter. A comma separated list with the allowed values (availability, bundled_products, links, promotions, options, images, prices, variations, set_products, recommendations) |
GET /products/{id}
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Query Parameter | Changed | Shop |
Name: expand Description: The expand parameter. A comma separated list with the allowed values (availability, bundled_products, links, promotions, options, images, prices, variations, set_products) |
Name: expand Description: The expand parameter. A comma separated list with the allowed values (availability, bundled_products, links, promotions, options, images, prices, variations, set_products, recommendations) |
POST /role_search
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Description | Changed | Data | Searches for access roles.
The query attribute specifies a complex query that can be used to narrow down the search. These are the list of searchable attributes:
The output of the query can also be sorted. These are the list of sortable attributes:
Searches for access roles.
The query attribute specifies a complex query that can be used to narrow down the search. These are the list of searchable attributes:
Optionally, a user ID (the user login) can be specified. When it is supplied, the search for roles is limited to the roles assigned to this user. When expanding the permissions for the roles, all effective permissions for this user can be retrieved. Optionally, a (single) permission can be specified. When it is supplied, the search for roles is limited to the roles having this permission. When expanding the users for the roles, all users having this permission can be retrieved. The output of the query can also be sorted. These are the list of sortable attributes:
Body | Changed | Data | SearchRequest | RoleSearchRequest |
Fault | Added | Data | N/A |
InvalidSearchQueryException(400): Throws when one of the search request restrictions is violated fault (String) |
DELETE /roles/{id}
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Fault | Added | Data | N/A |
RoleNotFoundException(404): Thrown if the given role does not exist id (String) |
PUT /roles/{id}/users/{login}
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Fault | Added | Data | N/A |
InvalidRoleException(400): Thrown if the access role with the given id does not exist. roleId (String) |
Fault | Added | Data | N/A |
InvalidUserLoginException(400): Thrown if a user with the given login does not exist. login (String) |
Fault | Removed | Data |
RoleNotFoundException(404): Thrown if the access role with the given id does not exist. id (String) |
N/A |
Fault | Removed | Data |
UserNotFoundException(404): Thrown if a user with the given login does not exist. login (String) |
N/A |
GET /search_suggestion
Details about modified documents
The following documents have been modified since 18.1.
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: grouped_tax_items Type: [GroupedTax] Description: Tax values that are summed and grouped based on the tax rate. The tax totals of the line items with the same tax rate will be grouped together and summed up. This will not affect calculation in any way. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: tax_rounded_at_group Type: boolean Description: If the tax is rounded at group level then this is set to true, false if the tax is rounded at item or unit level Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: parent_category_tree Type: [PathRecord] Description: List of parent categories Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: case_insensitive Type: Boolean Description: Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: multiple_codes_per_basket Type: boolean Description: Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: global_party_id Type: String Description: The Global Party ID is set by Customer 360 and identifies a person across multiple systems. Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: hashed_login Type: String Description: The customer's hashed LoginId which is used for activity tracking for logged in customers in conjunction with visitId. This field is READ-ONLY Constraints: |
Property | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: visit_id Type: String Description: The customer's visitId. This field is READ-ONLY Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: continue_information Type: JobExecutionContinueInformation Description: The continuation information of this execution if available. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: effective_duration Type: Long Description: Time in milliseconds, the job has done work. Paused times are evicted. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: executed_server_id Type: String Description: The ID of the server that executed the job. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: log_file_path Type: String Description: Full WebDAV path of the log file, containing execution log. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: retry_information Type: JobExecutionRetryInformation Description: The retry information of this execution if available. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: status_metadata Type: StatusMetadata Description: The metadata of the status. Constraints: |
Property | Removed | Data |
Name: log_file_name Type: String Description: Name of the log file, containing execution log. Constraints: |
N/A |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: status_metadata Type: StatusMetadata Description: The metadata of the status. Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: price_per_unit Type: Decimal Description: The minimum sales price per unit of the related variants. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: price_per_unit_max Type: Decimal Description: The maximum sales price per unit of the related variants. Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: price_per_unit Type: Decimal Description: The minimum sales price per unit of the related variants. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: price_per_unit_max Type: Decimal Description: The maximum sales price per unit of the related variants. Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: global_party_id Type: String Description: globalPartyId is managed by Customer 360. Its value can be changed. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: grouped_tax_items Type: [GroupedTax] Description: Tax values that are summed and grouped based on the tax rate. The tax totals of the line items with the same tax rate will be grouped together and summed up. This will not affect calculation in any way. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: guest Type: boolean Description: The registration status of the customer. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: tax_rounded_at_group Type: boolean Description: If the tax is rounded at group level then this is set to true, false if the tax is rounded at item or unit level Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: assigned_categories Type: [CatalogCategoryId] Description: The catalog categories that the product is assigned to Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: bundled_products Type: [Product] Description: The array of bundled products which the product includes. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: classification_category Type: CatalogCategoryId Description: The classification category (default category) of the product Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: image_groups Type: [ImageGroup] Description: The array of product image groups. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: localized_tax_class_id Type: [String] Description: Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: price_per_unit Type: Decimal Description: The price per unit of the product Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: primary_categories Type: [CatalogCategoryId] Description: The catalog categories that are primary for the product Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: product_bundles Type: [Product] Description: The array of product bundles which the product belongs to. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: product_options Type: [ProductOption] Description: The array of product options. This is applicable for products of type "option". Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: product_sets Type: [Product] Description: The array of product sets which the product belongs to. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: set_products Type: [Product] Description: The array of set products which the product includes. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: tax_class_id Type: String Description: The catalog categories that the product is assigned to Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: unit_measure Type: String Description: The unitMeasure of the product. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: unit_quantity Type: Decimal Description: The unitQuantity of the product. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: valid_from Type: [DateTime] Description: The time when product is valid from. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: valid_to Type: [DateTime] Description: The time when product is valid to. Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: price_per_unit Type: Decimal Description: The sales price per unit of the product. In case of complex products like master or set this is the minimum price per unit of related child products. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: price_per_unit_max Type: Decimal Description: The maximum sales price per unit of related child products in case of complex products like master or set. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: unit_measure Type: String Description: The unitMeasure of the product. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: unit_quantity Type: Decimal Description: Constraints: |
Property | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: valid_from Type: [DateTime] Description: The time when product is valid from. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: valid_to Type: [DateTime] Description: The time when product is valid to. Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Changed | Data |
Name: amount Constraints: |
Name: amount Constraints: minNumberValue=0.0 |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: price_per_unit Type: Decimal Description: The sales price per unit of the product. In case of complex products like master or set this is the minimum price per unit of related child products. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: price_per_unit_max Type: Decimal Description: The maximum sales price per unit of related child products in case of complex products like master or set. Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: callout_msg Type: [MarkupText] Description: The localized callout message of the promotion. Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: coupons_based Type: Boolean Description: True if the assigned promotion is coupon based. When set to false, Coupons in the campaign and on the PromotionCampaignAssignment are ignored. The default value is true. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: customer_groups_based Type: Boolean Description: True if the assigned promotion is customer group based. When set to false, Customer Groups in the campaign and on the PromotionCampaignAssignment are ignored. The default value is true. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: required_qualifier Type: Enum {any, all} Description: A constant indicating that one or all qualifier conditions must be met in order for the promotion to apply for a given customer. Valid values are "any" and "all". Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: source_code_based Type: Boolean Description: True if the assigned promotion is source code group based. When set to false, Source Code Groups in the campaign and on the PromotionCampaignAssignment are ignored. The default value is true. Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: permissions Type: RolePermissions Description: The permissions assigned to the access role. Available through expands. Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: permissions Type: RolePermissions Description: The permissions assigned to the access role. Available through expands. Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: cartridges Type: String Description: The cartridge Path of the site Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: rule_context Type: String Description: The context of the rule, either site or global Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: external_id Type: String Description: The external id. This attribute is only valid when the user uses centralized authentication. Constraints: maxLength=256 |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: link Type: String Description: URL that is used to get this instance. This property is computed and cannot be modified. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: password Type: String Description: The password. This attribute is only used to set the password upon user creation. This attribute is only valid when the user does not use centralized authentication. Constraints: |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: roles Type: [String] Description: List of role ids the user is assigned to. Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: price_per_unit Type: Decimal Description: The sales price of the variant. Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Shop | N/A |
Name: price_per_unit Type: Decimal Description: The sales price of the variant. Constraints: |
Element | Change | API | 18.1 | 23.2 |
Property | Added | Data | N/A |
Name: price_per_unit Type: Decimal Description: The sales price per unit of the variation group. Constraints: |