Working with XML Data
Salesforce B2C Commerce JavaScript supports the E4X extension to JavaScript. This extension supports the direct manipulation of XML data in scripts, without the need to work DOM or other intermediate structures. It's standardized as ECMA-357.
- To create an XML object
- Specify the following:
var order = <order><item quantity="1">Apple<item><item quantity="2">Peach<item></order>
- You can read values from an XML object the
same way you would from standard ECMAScript objects:
var items = order.item; var item = order.item(0); var quantity = order.item(0)[email protected]; var singleItem = order.item.(@quantity == 1);
- You can also directly modify an XML object:
var order.item += <item quantity="1">Orange</item>;var order.item += <item quantity={quantity}>Orange</item>;delete order.item(2);
Calling an Amazon.Com Service
As a working example, the next section shows how to call an service. Amazon supports Web Service-based calls and REST calls. REST services can be called as a straight URL and return XML. The XML language support is used here to parse the returned result from the service.
See the Amazon Simple Services Developer's Guide ( for more information on developing Web Services for Amazon.
- To call the REST service, specify
// send the http request to
var httpSvc = new HTTPClient(); "GET",
"" +
"SubscriptionId=YOUR-SUBSCRIPTION-ID&Operation=ItemSearch&" +
null );
// convert the result into an XML object
var result = new XML( httpSvc.text );
// print some values from the result.
// We must use namespace qualified access to read the values.
var ns = new Namespace(
"" );
trace( result.ns::Items.ns::Request.ns::IsValid );
trace( result.ns::Items.ns::TotalResults );
trace( result.ns::Items.ns::Item[0].ns::ASIN );
If you don't see a result, validate that still returns data with the same XML format, particularly with the same namespace identifier.