Implementing Product Recommendations

Implementing Commerce Cloud Einstein Product recommendations requires configuring, running, and modifying various components. Each of these tasks is performed using different roles.

This table describes the general steps necessary before you can use product recommendations, and indicates the role of the person who performs each step.

Step Who performs this step?
Configure catalog and order feeds against your Production instance.


Configure Recommenders using the Einstein Configurator tool. Merchant
Modify ISML templates to create recommendation content slots and render product recommendations. Developer
Configure Content Slots to control which template and recommender are used to show the product recommendations. Merchant

Product recommendations take the form of a list of product IDs (IDs of recommended products). Before passing this list to your storefront, the system applies business rules―called recommenders―that you define using the Einstein Configurator tool. These rules control the composition of the list of product IDs, enabling you to remove some IDs, change the order of IDs, and so on. In other words, the rules enable you to control which products are shown, hidden, promoted, and demoted.

When the storefront renders the final list of recommended products, they are in the optimal order as defined by your rules.

Product recommendations are rendered in a content slot. A developer must define the content slot within an ISML template. After the content slot is created, you can create slot configurations for the slot. Your content slot configurations―whose Content Type must be set to Recommendation―control which template is used to render the recommended products. It also controls which business rules should be applied to the list of recommended product IDs.

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