Associate a PayPal Merchant Account with Salesforce Payments

To configure settings for PayPal, you associate your PayPal merchant account with Salesforce Payments in Business Manager.

To use Salesforce Payments, your Salesforce Support team must enable the Salesforce Payments in Business Manager.
  1. In Business Manager, select Administration > Global Preferences > Salesforce Payments.
  2. Click Add Account.
  3. ClickPayPal.
  4. Select the type of PayPal account to add.
    • PayPal Sandbox–Select to test PayPal.
    • PayPal Live–Select to use PayPal in production.
  5. Click Next.
    The PayPal dialog displays.
  6. (Optional) Select Add an existing account.
    You're redirected to the PayPal site.
    1. Enter the email address for your existing merchant account.
    2. Enter your password.
    3. Click Agree and Consent.
    4. Click Go Back to Store.
      You’re returned to the Business Manager account detail page.
  7. (Optional) Select Add a new account.
    You're redirected to the PayPal site.
    1. Enter an email address for your new merchant account.
    2. Enter a password.
    3. Review the PayPal Operations Consent form. By accepting, you give the Salesforce Payments service consent to perform the operations listed in the form on your company’s behalf.
    4. Click Agree and Connect.
    5. Click Go Back to Store.
      You’re returned to the Business Manager account detail page.
    6. In Business Manager, go to Administration > Global Preferences > Salesforce Payments and confirm that the Business Manager details page lists the newly created account.

PayPal is now integrated with Salesforce Payments. To onboard the PayPal account. See Onboard Your PayPal Merchant Account

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