Search Checklist

The search checklist contains the tasks that can be performed to customize search. Outside of the basic search setup, most of these are optional, but recommended.

We also recommend reading the Commerce Cloud - Site Search Platform Adoption Playbook, designed to help you serve relevant side search results to increase revenue.

Basic Search Setup

Task Role

 Configure the search pipeline and search templates.

If you are using SiteGenesis as starting point of your application the search pipeline is already configured. See also Understanding the Search Pipeline and SiteGenesis Application Search Implementation.


 Configure Searchable Attributes

To find products by an attribute, such as product name, you must make sure that the attribute is indexed and searchable.


 Configure Search Preferences


 Create a No Results Found Page


 Update Indexes


 Configure Index Rebuild Schedule


Configure How Products Are Found by External Search Engines

Task Role

Configuring Host Aliases

Create short, meaningful URLs for external search engines to index by assigning a short alias to a long hostname.


Creating SEO URLs

Use the URL Rules module to change the URLs for your site and add information that can improve your search rank.

Generating Sitemaps

Create sitemaps for external search engines to improve freshness and completeness of data indexed by search engines.

Generating a Robots.txt File

Add a robots.txt file to control portions of the site you don't want search engines to index. This can include non-html resources that could cause problems with indexing.

Creating URL Redirects

Add redirects from a legacy platform or redirect from an old Salesforce B2C Commerce category to a new category.


Improve and Troubleshoot Search

Task Role

 Troubleshoot Search


 Use Search Analytics

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