Use the URL Request Analyzer

The URL Request Analyzer provides you with detailed information on specific URL requests. This tool can help you understand how Storefront URL requests are processed in Salesforce B2C Commerce and which configuration is used to open the corresponding storefront page. It can help identify the root cause of invalid URLs, 404 error pages, and URLs not resulting in the expected target.

You can also use this tool to test sensitive configurations with potential impact on SEO, enabling you to identify possible issues before go-live.

If you have enabled password protection for your storefront, some redirects (for example, to secure protocol) or events (for example, entering the password) occur before you get access. If you are testing URLs, these events appear as high-level information.

Results are provided and visualized for the following requests:

  • Site and locale identification such as site mappings from path or aliases file and locale mappings
  • Path mappings for products and content, (archived) categories/folders/pipelines with or without search refinements, and sitemaps
  • Pipeline and controller requests
  • Service destinations (shop/data API)
  • Redirects such as hostname, static and dynamic redirects, URL redirect mappings, search driven redirects, URL search refinement values, and automatic redirects for outdated mappings (that is, SEO-friendly Search Refinement URLs)
  • Custom code (if the redirect was initiated within a custom pipeline/controller)
  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > SEO > URL Request Analyzer.
  2. Enter the URL you want to analyze into the URL field.
    • Absolute URL with protocol (for example, or without protocol (HTTP protocol is used, for example,
    • Relative URL starting with slash (HTTP protocol and current request hostname is used, for example, /us/mens/?param=aValue).
  3. Filter results as follows:
    • None (all)
    • Hosts only: To see host resolving information (and other basic resolve information)
    • Redirects only: To see redirect resolving information (and other basic resolve information)
  4. Click Add.

    An entry is created for the URL with a preview link. The preview link has a recording ID, which is mandatory for recording information. Information is only recorded for links in this user interface.

    There can be up to a maximum of five links per site. Entries can be removed with the x button. Each site has an independent list.

  5. Click the Preview icon for an entry to process a request to the storefront. If the storefront page renders successfully:
    1. Close the browser tab showing the storefront.
    2. Return to Business Manager URL Request Analyzer page.
    3. Click Refresh or change the filter and then click Refresh.
  6. Click an added URL object to open it to review the recorded information.
    1. Click the icon to open more details.
    2. Click the icon to contract the view.
    3. Click the icon to expand the information completely and in table format.

    The following are the resolve types (explained via this URL example:

    • Site mapping: How the site is identified by the request URL, for example, the request site SiteGenesis, resolves from path /s/SiteGenesis.
    • Locale mapping: The request's available locale in the Pipeline Dictionary, for example, the locale en_US as identified from parameters.
    • Pipeline mapping: The pipeline requested to be called, as resolved from the request path, for example, the category URL, womens/clothing was mapped and forwarded to /Sites-SiteGenesis-Site/en_US/Search-Show?cgid=womens-clothing.
    • Process Pipeline/Controller: The pipeline/controller that is called for this request, for example, OnRequest-Do, OnSession-Do, Search-Show.
    • Redirect mapping: Used if one or more redirects occur for this request. Redirects are identified in the RedirectURL-Start pipeline or before any pipeline execution.
    • Color groups: Optional colors in the Resolve Information section, which can occur if a mapping type occurs multiple times in the same way. The same color marks the same mappings.

    If there is more than one of a resolve type in the results, you can choose to show the first iteration, or all results. For example, if the results show two Process Pipelines lines of OnRequest-Do and Product-ShowInCategory, you can choose to show the first line or both lines.

  7. If you changed the related configuration and want to review B2C Commerce behavior, repeat steps 5 and 6 and review the updated information.