NestedQuery document (Data API 23.2)

A nested query queries nested documents that are part of a larger document. The classical example is a product master with variants (in one big document) where you want to constrain a search to masters that have variants that match multiple constraints (like color = blue AND size = M). This query is not compatible with some search types. Example: finds all the documents that has firstname = "John" and lastname = "Doe"
   "query": {
     "bool_query": {
       "must": [
           "nested_query": {
             "path": "order.shipping_addresses",
             "query": {
               "bool_query": {
                 "must": [
                     "bool_query": {
                       "must": [
                           "term_query": {
                             "fields": [ "order.shipping_addresses.first_name" ],
                             "operator": "is",
                             "values": [ "John" ]
                     "bool_query": {
                       "must": [
                           "term_query": {
                             "fields": [ "order.shipping_addresses.last_name" ],
                             "operator": "is",
                             "values": [ "Doe" ]
             "score_mode": "avg"
Property Type Constraints Description
path String mandatory=true, nullable=false  
query Query {BoolQuery, FilteredQuery, MatchAllQuery, NestedQuery, TermQuery, TextQuery} mandatory=true, nullable=false  
score_mode Enum {avg, total, max, none}    
X OCAPI versions 15.x and 16.x will be retired on March 31, 2021. For dates and more information, see the OCAPI versioning and deprecation policy and this Knowledge Article.
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