Business Manager Functional Permissions

Functional permissions are not associated with a Salesforce B2C Commerce tool module. They let a user perform specific functions on Commerce Cloud B2C Commerce.

For example: to make Alice an agent who can log in on behalf of any customer of site ABC, Alice needs the functional permission Login_On_Behalf for site ABC.

To edit data, these permissions must be combined with Business Manage module permissions.

Organization-Wide Functional Permissions

The following table lists the functional permissions that apply to your organization as a whole:

Permission Description
Replication_Run_For_Org Lets a user manage and start data replication processes for global replication tasks (that is, system object type definitions).
Manage_All_Catalogs Lets a user:
  • view, create, edit, organization catalogs
  • assign catalogs to sites
  • view, create, edit, all assets in all catalogs in all languages and for all sites
Allows access to catalogs, categories, products, recommendations, variation attributes, options, product category assignments, or catalog images. Assign this permission to users who need access to Products, Catalogs, Product Options, Product Sets, Recommendations, or Variation Attributes modules.
Delete_All_Catalogs Lets a user:
  • delete organization catalogs
  • delete all assets in all catalogs in all languages and for all sites

Having the Manage_Site_Catalog functional permission along with the Delete_All_Catalogs functional permission isn't sufficient for being allowed to delete any catalog. Only users with both Manage_All_Catalogs and Delete_All_Catalogs can delete catalogs. As of Release 16.3, all users who previously had the _Manage\_All\_Catalogs_ permission are automatically assigned the additional Delete_All_Catalogs permission.


Lets a user manage all libraries and their content assets for all sites.

Lets a user:
  • view, create, edit, delete organization price books
  • assign price books to sites
  • view, create, edit, delete prices in all price books for any product
  • view, create, edit, delete product options and shared option prices (note that option prices are not in price books)

Allows access to price books, product prices, and option prices. Assign this permission to users who need access to Products, Product Options, or Price Books.

Lets a user:
  • view, create, edit, delete inventory lists
  • assign inventory lists to sites
  • view, created, edit, delete inventory records in all inventory lists for any product

Allows access to inventory lists and inventory records. Assign this permission to users who need access to the Products and Inventory modules.

Merge_Customers Lets a user merge customers of one customer list into another customer list.
View_Coupon_Codes Lets a user view full coupon codes in Business Manager, OCAPI, and through the export function.

Site-Wide Functional Permissions

The following table lists the available functional permissions that you can use to restrict a role to a specific site or sites.

Permission Description
Login_On_Behalf Allows administrators to log into the Storefront on behalf of a customer, provided they also have Create_Order_On_Behalf_Of functional permission. For example, a call center application can access storefront data, but is restricted to the storefront.
Replication_Run_For_Site Lets a user manage and start data replication processes for site-specific replication tasks (that is, search indexes).
Login_Agent Lets an application log in as a customer in the storefront. Restricts the access to only those Business Manager users that have the permission Login_Agent. This permission lets an application, such as a call center application, access storefront data, but restrict it to specific sites.
Manage_Site_Catalog For storefront catalog products, lets a user:
  • view, create, edit, delete all non-localized attributes
  • view localized attributes for all locales
  • view, create, edit, delete localized attributes for allowed site locales

For products owned by another catalog, but assigned to the storefront catalog, lets a user:

  • view non-localized attributes
  • view localized attributes for all locales
  • browse all other catalogs and assign products from other catalogs to the storefront catalog
Lets a user:
  • view site price books
  • view, create, edit, delete prices in site price books for site products

Users can't:

  • edit any attributes of site price books
  • view non-site price books

Site prices books are either directly assigned to the site or assigned via source codes. Users with this permission can’t edit price books not assigned to site or source code.

Allows access to price books, product prices, and option prices for the site. Assign this permission to users who need access to Products, Product Options, or Price Books.

Lets a user:
  • view site inventory list
  • view, create, edit, delete inventory records in site inventory list for site products

Users can't:

  • edit any attributes of site inventory list
  • view non-site inventory lists
Allows access to inventory lists and inventory records. Assign this permission to users who need access to the Products and Inventory modules.
Manage_Site_Library Allows a user to edit an asset in a locale. The locale must be active for one of the sites that you have permissions. If the locale isn't enabled, you can't edit the content.
Adjust_Item_Price Allows a user to add or delete a price adjustment at the item level.
Adjust_Shipping_Price Allows a user to add or delete a price adjustment at the shipping level.
Adjust_Order_Price Allows a user to add or delete a price adjustment at the order level.
Delete_Order_Note Allows a user to delete a note at the order or basket level.
Delete_Order Allows a user to delete all order information (including personal data in the order).
Create_Order_On_Behalf_Of Allows administrators to log into the Storefront on behalf of a customer, and allows an agent to create orders via the Shop API.
Search_Orders Allows a user to search for orders as an agent via the Shop API.
Handle_External_Orders Allows a user to handle external orders as an agent via the Shop API.
Access_Protected_Storefront Allows a user to access a password-protected storefront.
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