Commerce Cloud Einstein Search Recommendations

Commerce Cloud Einstein can improve searches with type ahead guidance. This feature provides AI-driven personalized search recommendations to shoppers in real time.

Enabling Einstein Search Recommendations provides shoppers with Einstein-generated, personalized auto-correction and term completion.
Note: Recent search and popular search functions are not directly affected when enabling the Einstein Search Recommendations feature. These searches require additional storefront development efforts. For more information, see the getRecentSearchPhrases and getPopularSearchPhrases method details in the Class SuggestModel API documentation.

To enable Einstein Search Recommendations:

  1. In Business Manager, select site > Merchant Tools > Search > Search Preferences.
  2. Select (check) Einstein Search Recommendations.
Note: When Einstein Search Recommendations generate search phrase suggestions, the suggestions are not affected by the suggestion term blocklist. In addition, Einstein Search Recommendations are not guaranteed to yield results.
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