Invalidate a Page Cache Partition

Invalidating a page cache partition empties the cache for each pipeline. The cache is only refreshed when the pipeline is called and the appropriate page rendered. To lessen the performance impact on the storefront, the cache is invalidated over a period of 15 minutes.

If you want to use the InvalidateWebCache pipelet to invalidate specific partitions across all of your sites, use the same name for all those partitions. The pipelines included in these definitions can differ, as long as the names of the partitions are the same.

  1. Select Administration > Sites > Manage Sites > site > Cache.
  2. On the Manage Sites page Cache tab, click Invalidate beside a page cache partition name.
    If a pipeline in the partition is invalid or missing, the other pipeline caches are still invalidated. If you want to minimize impact on storefront performance when you invalidate more than one page cache partition, wait until the 15-minute transition phase is over for each partition before invalidating the next.

    The Other Pipelines partition can be used to invalidate cached pipeline output for all pipelines not included in any partitions.

Invalidating a page cache partition Programmatically

You can create a pipeline to run in a job that can invalidate one or more page cache partition IDs. It can invalidate partitions with matching names in different sites.

Use the InvalidateWebCache pipelet to invalidate a page cache partition, or a list of partitions.

specifies which site to invalidate. If not specified, the site context is used to invalidate partitions for the current site. Specifying "ALL” invalidates all sites in the organization.
when set to true, the static content cache and the entire page cache are invalidated, regardless of the other parameters.
when set to true, the system invalidates all or part of the page cache, depending on the other parameters specified.
if specified, only invalidates the partitions that are specified as a comma-separated list. For example, if "Homepage,SlotsContent" is specified, then the Homepage partition and SlotsContent partition are invalidated. Don't include spaces between the comma-separated partition IDs.
Note: The 'Other pipelines' portion of the cache can't be invalidated via the InvalidateWebCache pipelet, as it doesn't have an ID.
See also Creating a Page Cache Partition.
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