Create New Search Refinements

Before creating search refinements, if you are refining by attribute values, make sure that the attribute has data and is indexed. To create search refinements for the keyword search, create them for the root category for the storefront catalog.

The pipe character "|" is reserved and can't be used as a search refinement attribute value.
  1. Navigate to site > Merchant Tools > Products and Catalogs > Catalogs > catalog > category > Edit > Search Refinement Definitions .
  2. On the Category Page Search Refinement Definitions tab, click New.
  3. Configure the search refinement fields and click Apply.
  4. If you selected a Bucket Type of Values, an Attribute Refinement Buckets section of the page appears.
    You can now create search refinement buckets that appear in the storefront.
    1. Click Manage Values.
    2. On the Manage Bucketed and Unbucketed Search Values Window page, select the values you want to add to a search bucket.
      You can filter the list of values by value name or bucket.
    3. Select the buckets you want to assign the checked values to.
    4. Click Apply.
  5. Navigate to Search > Search Indexes, and rebuild your product or content search index.
    When the index is rebuilt, the search refinement is visible in the storefront.
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