Promotions Detail Dashboard

The Promotion Detail Dashboard shows data and reports for an individual promotion.

The dashboard inherits the filter settings you make in the Promotions dashboard. You can change the filter for the Promotion Detail dashboard as needed. For the selected promotion and date range, the dashboard shows the following.

Total Promotion Discount

The report Shows the total and average values of discounts during the promotion. To see a daily discount total, roll over the graph plot point for any day.

Top Product using the Promotion

The report ranks products purchased using the promotion. For example, you’re running a promotion that applies to several different products. Use the ranking in this report to determine which product sales benefit most from the promotion.

Co-Promotion Frequency

The report ranks the frequency with which the Detail promotion and another promotion are combined in an order. Rank is by the percentage of total orders. For example, the Detail promotion and promotion 2 are used together for 8% of all orders. The Detail promotion and promotion 3 are used together for 5% or all orders. Promotion 2 is more often combined with the Detail promotion, so ranks ahead of promotion 3.

Average Promotion Discount

The graph plots the average Detail promotion discount applied per sale, per day for the time period. You can use this data to track the impact of the Detail promotion on per sale revenue.

Revenue Impact

The graph plots total revenue generated by sales that include the promotion for the time period. Use this data to track the sales revenue generated by the promotion.

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