Setting Studio Preferences

With UX Studio, you can change preferences at any time.

To specify Studio preferences on Windows, click Window > Preferences, then select UX Studio.

To specify Studio preferences on a Mac, click Window > Preferences, then select UX Studio.

Window Examples

Define the colors of invisible or overridden elements.

Show pipelet members, show pipeline members, organize members in groups, show display names instead of resource names.

Generation Templates Create, edit or remove templates.
Pipeline Editor

Synchronize the outline view selection with the pipeline editor.

Automatically layout transitions.

Enforce join node usage.

Specify the default zoom level.

Problem Annotations Detect problems during development.
Script Editor Specify language background colors, general, JavaScript and XML styles.
Server Connection Specify the connection timeout and the directories to include in the upload.

In the Preferences page, you can configure the behavior and appearance of the several editors. To find the preferences, enter the name of the editor in the search box at the top of the page.

Editor Examples

Specify visual details such as:

  • Displayed tab width (value)
  • Undo history size (value)
  • Highlight current line
  • Show print margin
  • Show line numbers
  • Appearance color options

Select the default operating system whose line delimiter you want to use when creating or saving files:

  • UNIX
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • No translation

Select the default encoding to apply when creating files:

  • ISO Latin-1
  • Central/East European (Slavic)
  • Southern European
  • Arabic, Logical
  • Arabic

Select the default operating system whose line delimiter you want to use when creating or saving files:

  • UNIX
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • No translation

Select the default encoding to apply when creating files.

Select the encoding to apply when loading files (or check the box to accept workbench encoding).