Class PageScriptContext
This is the context that is handed over to the render and serialize function of the respective page type script.
     String : render( PageScriptContext context)
     Object : serialize( PageScriptContext context)
content  :  Map  (Read Only)
The processed version of the underlying unprocessed raw values (also see Page.getAttribute(String)) of this page's attributes which you can use in your respective page type render and serialize function implementing your business and rendering/serialization functionality. Processing the raw value is comprised of expansion and conversion, in this order.
  1. expansion - dynamic placeholders are transformed into actual values, for example url/link placeholders in markup text are resolved to real URLs
  2. conversion - the raw value (see Page.getAttribute(String)) is resolved into an actual DWScript object depending on the type of the attribute as specified in its respective attribute definition
    • boolean -> boolean
    • category -> Category
    • custom -> Map
    • cms_record -> CMSRecord
    • enum -> either string or integer
    • file -> MediaFile
    • image -> Image
    • integer -> integer
    • markup -> string
    • page -> string
    • product -> Product
    • string -> string
    • text -> string
    • url -> string
page  :  Page  (Read Only)
The page for which the corresponding page type script is currently executed.
renderParameters  :  String  (Read Only)
Please use getRuntimeParameters() instead.
runtimeParameters  :  String  (Read Only)
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
getContent() : Map
Returns the processed version of the underlying unprocessed raw values (also see Page.getAttribute(String)) of this page's attributes which you can use in your respective page type render and serialize function implementing your business and rendering/serialization functionality.
getPage() : Page
Returns the page for which the corresponding page type script is currently executed.
Method Detail
getContent() : Map
Returns the processed version of the underlying unprocessed raw values (also see Page.getAttribute(String)) of this page's attributes which you can use in your respective page type render and serialize function implementing your business and rendering/serialization functionality. Processing the raw value is comprised of expansion and conversion, in this order.
  1. expansion - dynamic placeholders are transformed into actual values, for example url/link placeholders in markup text are resolved to real URLs
  2. conversion - the raw value (see Page.getAttribute(String)) is resolved into an actual DWScript object depending on the type of the attribute as specified in its respective attribute definition
    • boolean -> boolean
    • category -> Category
    • custom -> Map
    • cms_record -> CMSRecord
    • enum -> either string or integer
    • file -> MediaFile
    • image -> Image
    • integer -> integer
    • markup -> string
    • page -> string
    • product -> Product
    • string -> string
    • text -> string
    • url -> string
processed content attributes of the page

getPage() : Page
Returns the page for which the corresponding page type script is currently executed.
the currently rendered page

getRenderParameters() : String
Please use getRuntimeParameters() instead.
the parameters passed to page rendering and serialization

getRuntimeParameters() : String
Returns the parameters argument as passed when kicking off page rendering via and page serialization via
the parameters passed to page rendering and serialization