Configure Promotion Preferences

You can configure many of the promotion settings as site preferences, giving you much flexibility in how your promotions are handled. These settings include Buy X/Get Y promotion behavior, discount precision, and how the tax basis is calculated for line items with discounts.

The steps explain each preference, how it works, and the difference between options.
  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Promotions.
  2. Configure Buy X/Get Y promotion behavior.
    Option Description
    Discount Next Most Expensive Products (default)
    • Qualifying products are the X most expensive products satisfying the promotion's qualifying product rule.
    • Products receiving the discount are the Y next most expensive (or same price) of the remaining products satisfying the promotion's discounted product rule.
    • Discounted items must be less expensive than related qualifying item price.
    Discount Least Expensive Products
    • Qualifying products are the X most expensive products satisfying the promotion's qualifying product rule.
    • Products receiving the discount are the Y least expensive of the remaining products satisfying the promotion's discounted product rule.
    • Discounted items must be less expensive than related qualifying item price.
  3. Configure Buy X/Get Y discount eligibility.
    This setting only applies to Buy X/Get Y promotions and not Buy X and Y Get Z or other promotion types. For those promotions, the maximum price on the discounted products setting always describes the promotion discount behavior.
    Option Description
    Maximum Price on Discounted Products (default) Only products with a price less than or equal to the least expensive qualifying product are eligible to receive the discount. This setting prevents the creation of promotions that increase the price of the discounted product.
    All Products Eligible for Discounts Products that satisfy the promotion discount rule are eligible to receive the discount. This setting is only relevant for promotions with discounted products that aren't identical to qualifying products.
  4. Configure price book discount behavior.
    Option Description
    Discount Allowed To Increase Item Price (Default) Discounts can increase the price of an item in the cart. This isn't a good idea.
    Discount Not Allowed to Increase Item Price Prevents Price from Price Book discounts from increasing the price of an item in the cart. For example, your promotion uses two price books. The sales price for a product in one price book is greater than the standard price in the other price book.
  5. Configure bonus product positioning.
    This setting lets you control where bonus products are positioned in the cart. It only applies to product promotions with number of qualifying products that grant a bonus product discount.
    Option Description
    Always at End of Cart (default) Bonus products are added to the end of basket with a quantity 1.
    After Qualifying Products Bonus products appear after their qualifying products, and are consolidated together if their quantity is greater than 1.
  6. Configure discount precision.
    Half-way values, both positive and negative, are often rounded up. This practice is called half-up rounding, and it's commonly used. For example, the value 23.5 is rounded to 24, while the value −23.5 is rounded to −23.
    Option Description
    Precision of Site Currency (default) Discounts are calculated based on the precision of site currency. The rounding mode is half-up.
    No Fractions Discounts are always rounded to the full amount and contain no fractions (that is, precision=0). The rounding mode is half-up.
  7. Configure discount taxation.
    Option Description
    Tax Products, Shipping, and Discounts Based on Price (default) All line items are taxed separately using net or gross price as tax basis. Product and shipping costs receive a positive tax, while price adjustments receive a negative tax.
    Tax products and Shipping Only Based on Adjusted Price Price adjustments are not taxed. Instead, product line items use prorated price and shipping line items use adjusted price as the tax basis. Tax values are positive or zero.
  8. Click Apply to accept the changes.
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