View Coupon Redemptions

You can manage and maintain coupon code redemptions separately from coupon codes in the database. You can delete a coupon and its code at any time. Coupon redemptions physically belong to the order in which they are redeemed, and are deleted only if the order is deleted

From the Coupon Redemption page, you can view all coupon redemptions. You can also remove a shopper's email address from redeemed coupons.

You can search and analyze coupon redemptions across all coupons from the main coupon page and view redemptions on a coupon-specific basis on the coupon detail page.

Replication includes coupons and coupon codes, but not coupon code redemptions. Redemptions are created on Production.
Note: When testing, perform the following steps on the Staging instance. When managing real-time coupons on the live system, perform these steps on the production instance.
  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Online Marketing > Coupons.
  2. Click View Redemptions.
  3. On the Redemptions page, you can search for a redemption by coupon code, order number, or email.
    Updates to a coupon's total redemptions can experience a delay of up to an hour.
  4. View the redemption information included in the display and sort by the headers.
  5. To remove a shopper's email address from redeemed coupons.
    1. Click Forget Email.
    2. Enter the shopper's email address.
    3. Click Forget Email.
      The entered email address is masked on all existing coupon redemptions associated with the entered email address. In addition, redeemed coupons linked to the entered email address are no longer searchable.
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