Customer Authorization with OAuth2

OAuth2 authenticates customers and obtains information about them by interacting with other parties such as Google, Facebook, or LinkedIn. Customers must authorize such access.

Salesforce B2C Commerce supports the OAuth2 Specification for storefronts to interact with OAuth2 Providers.

This feature also makes it faster and easier for customers to register with and log in to your storefront. Instead of entering personal information, customers can log in with an existing account, such as a Google account. Using an existing account gives your storefront permission to retrieve their personal information from that account.

This feature involves the following steps.

Step Who does it?
Register Your Site ("Application") with the OAuth2 Providers that you want to support. Storefront developers
Configure the OAuth2 Providers for your storefront. Storefront developers and admins
Use OAuth2 APIs in your storefront to give customers the option to log in using external accounts. Storefront developers
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