Create and Activate an On-Demand Sandbox Operations Scheduler

To react to your changing business needs, you can create an ODS Operations Scheduler.

Note: To create and activate an On-Demand sandbox operations scheduler, you must have the Sandbox_API_User role with a tenant filter in the format “<realm-id>_sbx” in Account Manager. For example, to create ODS scheduler in the realm “abcd”, you must have the Sandbox_API_User role with tenant filter “abcd_sbx” in Account Manager.
  1. In Control Center, select Realms, and select the realm you want to modify.
  2. Select On-Demands Sandboxes.
  3. Create Scheduler
    1. Click Create Operations Scheduler.
    2. From the Type of Scheduler dropdown, select a Start Scheduler or Stop Scheduler.
    3. In the Scheduler, select the days when you what the assigned ODS instance to start or stop.
    4. Set the start or stop time.
    5. Click Create.
  4. To activate the schedule for ODS instances, locate the instances you want to use the schedule, and set the schedule switch to On.