Manage Code Versions
A code version is a folder that contains custom cartridges. An instance uses the currently active code version. You can upload additional code versions to the server via WebDAV. These can be new code versions that will be activated later, or previous ones to allow for code rollbacks.
A compatibility mode can be assigned to each code version and is activated when the code version is activated. Code versions that have not been explicitly assigned to a compatibility mode are marked with an asterisk (*) and assume the current active compatibility mode. Selectable compatibility modes are those that are newer than the active compatibility mode, in addition to the previously active compatibility mode. You can't select a compatibility mode that is older than the previously active one.
The platform automatically and asynchronously removes the oldest code versions on all instance types. The active code version and the previously active code version are not included in this process. You can configure the number of retained code versions (see below).