Code Profiler Results

Code Profiler results are sorted in descending order by the sum of total elapsed times. The results provide a quick overview of where time is spent.

The table of results includes:

  • Type - the kind of artifact being measured
  • Name - the specific artifact being measured
  • Hits - the number of invocations of the artifact that have been measured
    Note: Because Production Mode only measures a subset of all requests, this number might not represent the total number of invocations.
  • Time, which is measured:
    • Elapsed Time - the time spent executing the given artifact
    • Wait Time
      Note: As of the 23.5 release, wait times are no longer measured.

      The CSV report remains backwards compatible. The CSV report generated from system job sfcc-export-code-profiler-reports, and the CSV report accessible from the Code Profiler Business Manager module, maintain the following columns filled with zeros as data:

      • total_wait_time
      • total_wait_time_avg
      • own_wait_time
      • own_wait_time_avg
    • For releases previous to 23.5:
      • Wait Time - subset of Elapsed Time that is not spent processing, such as I/O operations (database or service calls) or concurrency-related locking
  • For Elapsed Time and Wait Time, there is also data to indicate:
    • Own Time - the time spent exclusively by the given measurement frame, subtracting runtimes of enclosed frames
    • Total Time - total duration between the beginning and the end of the result's execution
  • For Own Time and Total time, the following is provided:
    • Sum - the total amount of all measured runtimes for the given result
      Note: Sum times in Production Mode only represent runtimes in the measured subset of requests.
    • Average - the mean runtime given by Sum divided by Hits
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