Promotion Troubleshooting

If you have issues with a promotion, follow our basic troubleshooting tips to determine if you have the right specifications in place.

To jump between your rules and your cart, open the storefront in one browser window and Business Manager in another.

To test the promotion correctly, confirm that:

  • The campaign that the promotion belongs to is enabled and valid for the current date.
  • The promotion is enabled and valid for the current date.
  • You qualify for the promotion by:
    • Belonging to a target customer groups OR
    • Providing a valid coupon associated with the promotion OR
    • Providing a valid source code associated with the promotion AND that source code is assigned to the promotion and is enabled.
  • For a product promotion, you:
    • Selected products that match the qualifying products rules, in the appropriate quantity or amount (if applicable).
    • Selected products that are eligible for the discount (if applicable).
  • For an order promotion, you have merchandise in your cart that exceeds the merchandise threshold specified after product discounts are applied. Gift certificates do not count towards the merchandise total.
  • For a shipping promotion, confirm that you have:
    • Merchandise in your cart that exceeds the merchandise threshold specified after product and order level discounts have been applied. Gift certificates don't count towards the merchandise total.
    • Provided location information so shipping can be calculated.
    • Selected a shipping method that is eligible for the discount.
Note: Shipping promotions are evaluated against the merchandise total of the shipment, not the merchandise total of the cart.


  • If you're base testing on a customer group other than Everyone, confirm that the customer login you’re using is a member of a targeted group.
  • If you're are testing with a single-use coupon, the coupon must be created on the instance with which you're testing.
  • If you’re testing with a source code, look up the source code group in the promotion qualifier list. To confirm that the value that you’re using is valid for the selected source code, enter the string in the source code test match box. Select site > Merchant Tools > Online Marketing > Source Codes > Codes.
  • If you're testing compatibility and ranking settings, check how the rules function to see the desired results.
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