Active Data Attributes

Several attributes are calculated by Salesforce B2C Commerce or are used to calculate extra metrics, including: availability, cost price, item age, SKU coverage, and TTOOS (time to out of stock).

You can see the collected information by selecting site > Merchant Tools > Products and Catalogs > Products.

Each standard attribute has a specific use. Salesforce doesn’t recommend that you use attributes for other than their designated use. For example, don't use the costPrice attribute to import non-cost price data. Imported values are often used to calculate other metrics, so importing data into an attribute or not supplying information for imported attributes can affect other attributes.

If you want to feed in more data, you can create custom attributes for the ProductActiveData and CustomerActiveData business objects.

Note: Don't use active data attributes to import data that you want to replicate to other systems. Active data can't be replicated.

Attribute data can be fed from multiple systems in different import cycles. For example, product review data can be received from a third-party system daily, while return rate information can be fed from a backend system weekly.

Active data feeds contain the attributes listed under the Type column of the following tables as the Imported type.

Feeds can also include custom attributes added to the ProductActiveData and CustomActiveData business objects.

Near-time attribute data is updated within a day–data is collected in real time during the business day, aggregated overnight, and delivered to you the next day. Real-time attribute data can be updated on-demand from your live B2C Commerce production site.

Note: Yearly and lifetime attributes are collected daily.

Active Data Product Attributes

Attribute Description Type Sample Value Period
Availability Ratio between inventory allocation and current stock level. Real-Time 0.59 N/A
Cost Price The cost of goods sold for the product. Imported 10.19 N/A
SKU Coverage Ratio between total number of variation products and their availability status. Real-Time 0.90 N/A
Time to Out of Stock (TTOOS) Estimated time in hours before product goes out of stock. Real-Time 14 N/A
Return Rate The percentage of orders that result in the product being returned. Imported 4.5% N/A
Average Sales Price The average sales price for the product in orders, after discounts. Near-Time 13.99 Day, Week, Month, Year
Impressions The number of times the product appeared on a search results page, was recommended to a customer, or appeared as a member of a product set. Near-Time 17774 Day, Week, Month, Year
Views The number of times the product appeared on a product details page. Near-Time 564 Day, Week, Month, Year
Revenue The total revenue for the product. Near-Time 2244.66 Day, Week, Month, Year
Units The number of units of the product ordered. Near-Time 456 Day, Week, Month, Year
Conversion The number of orders for the product divided by the number of visits in which the product was viewed. Also known as the Look To Book ratio. Near-Time 4.7% Day, Week, Month, Year
Days Available The number of  days since the product became available, based on the imported Available Date for the product. If no available date has been imported, the system uses the date the product was created. Real-Time 5  
Average Gross Margin Value The average sales price minus the cost of goods sold for the product. Near-Time 3.80 Day, Week, Month, Year
Average Gross Margin Percent The average gross margin value divided by the average sales price for the product. Near-Time 27.2% Day, Week, Month, Year
Look To Book Ratio The number of orders for the product divided by the number of visits in which the product was viewed. Near-Time 5.0% Day, Week, Month, Year
Sales Velocity The number of units sold divided by the number of hours. Near-Time 30.8 Day, Week, Month, Year

Active Data Customer Attributes

Attribute Description Type Sample Value Period
Visits The number of times the customer visited the site. Near-Time 9 Week, Month, Year
Orders The number of orders placed by the customer. A customer is credited with all orders placed in a visit, even if they place an order before logging in. Near-Time 21 Lifetime
Returns The number of return orders placed by the customer. A customer is credited with all orders returned in a visit, even if they return an order before logging in. Near-Time 1 Lifetime
Return Value The amount of negative revenue for the customer due to returns. Near-Time 9.99 Lifetime
Order Value The amount of revenue for the customer minus the return value. Near-Time 2387.89 Month, Lifetime
Average Order Value The amount of revenue for the customer divided by the number of orders. Near-Time 127.51 Lifetime
Discount Value without Coupon The discount amount on customer orders applied for implicit (that is, not coupon) promotions. Near-Time 188.45 Lifetime
Discount Value with Coupon The discount amount on customer orders applied for coupon promotions. Near-Time 90.00 Lifetime
Source Code Orders The number of customer orders with a source code applied. Near-Time 7 Lifetime
Gift Units The number of product units marked as "gift" on customer orders. A customer is credited with all orders placed in a visit, including orders they place before logging in. Near-Time 7 Lifetime
Gift Orders The number of customer orders with one or more product units marked as gift. A customer is credited with all orders placed in a visit, including orders they place before logging in. Near-Time 2 Lifetime
Top Categories Ordered The (up to) 20 categories from which the customer has purchased the most product units. Near-Time Video, Audio, Top Sellers Lifetime
Products Ordered The products ordered by the customer. Near-Time S123, S456, S789 Lifetime
Base Products Ordered The base product SKUs of all variation products ordered by the customer. This attribute has a Set-of-string data type and is derived from the Ordered Products values. Near-Time S123, S456, S789 Lifetime
Products Viewed The products viewed by the customer. Near-Time S123, S456, S789, S999, S888, S777 Month
Abandoned Products

The products added to a cart by the customer for which an order was not placed. Specifically, it lists products added to the basket and not ordered after the basket no longer persists. For example: the product P1 is added to a registered customer's basket on 1/01/2016 and the customer does nothing with the basket for the next 30 days. On 1/02/2016, the basket is cleaned up and the product P1 is considered abandoned.

You can set how long the basket persists in the Basket Persistence option for site preferences to see variation SKUs. The maximum number of SKUs shown equals 4000 characters.

Near-Time S999, S888 Month
Notifications pending to read 9