Get a Slack Token for Commerce

To connect Slack to Business Manager, a Slack administrator must acquire a Slack bot token, also known as a Bot User OAuth Token, for your workspace. These steps must be completed by a Slack admin before the workspace can be connected to Business Manager.

  1. In Slack, open your workspace menu.
    1. For administrators, navigate to Settings & Administration → Manage Apps.
    2. For all other users, navigate to Administration → Manage Apps.
  2. In the new browser window, click Build.
  3. Select an existing app or click Create New App.
  4. Select From App manifest.
  5. Select your workspace and click Next.
  6. Use this file, replacing the name, description, background_color, display_name, and always_online fields.
      major_version: 1
      minor_version: 1
      name: your_new_bot
      description: SFCC ECommerce Bot
      background_color: "#2d9c0b"
        display_name: ECommerce Bot
        always_online: false
          - groups:read
          - channels:read
          - chat:write
          - chat:write.public
          - team:read
    Display_name is the name that your Bot uses to send messages under.
  7. Click Create.
  8. In the app homepage, select OAuth & Permissions and click Allow,
  9. The OAuth & Permissions page now lists your token. Use this token when connecting your Slack workspace to your commerce org.
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