Manage Complete the Set Categories

Use the Review Sets tab to manage all Einstein Complete the Set categories individually or use bulk enable or disable functions.

The Review Sets tab in the Complete the Set recommender shows your Einstein created sets. The sets are sorted by the primary categories that have the most recommendations.

For implementations that support many categories, it can be tedious and time consuming to enable and disable individual categories. You can use the Review Sets tab to enable or disable Einstein Complete the Set categories one at a time or all at once.

To enable or disable Einstein Complete the Set categories:

  1. In a web browser, access the Einstein Configurator.
  2. Log in to the Einstein Configurator tool using the credentials your administrator provided.
  3. Click an existing Einstein Complete the Set recommender or create one.

    Einstein Configurator opens to the Complete the Set General tab.

  4. Click the Review Sets tab.
  5. (Optional) Click the Enable All button to enable all Einstein Complete the Set categories or the Disable All button to disable them.
  6. (Optional) Click the Enable checkbox for individual categories to either enable (checked) or disable (unchecked) that category.
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