(static) Base/Product-Show()
Product-Show : This endpoint is called to show the details of the selected product
Type | Description |
middleware |
cache.applyPromotionSensitiveCache |
middleware |
consentTracking.consent |
querystringparameter |
pid - Product ID |
category |
non-sensitive |
renders |
isml |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Product-ShowBonusProducts()
Product-ShowBonusProducts : This endpoint is called when a product with bonus product is added to Cart
Type | Description |
querystringparameter |
DUUID - Discount Line Item UUID |
querystringparameter |
pagesize - Number of products to show on a page |
querystringparameter |
pagestart - Starting Page Number |
querystringparameter |
maxpids - Limit maximum number of Products |
category |
non-sensitive |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Product-ShowInCategory()
Product-ShowInCategory : The Product-ShowInCategory endpoint renders the product detail page within the context of a category
Type | Description |
middleware |
cache.applyPromotionSensitiveCache |
querystringparameter |
pid - Product ID |
category |
non-sensitive |
renders |
isml |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Product-ShowQuickView()
Product-ShowQuickView : This endpoint is called when a product quick view button is clicked
Type | Description |
middleware |
cache.applyPromotionSensitiveCache |
querystringparameter |
pid - Product ID |
category |
non-sensitive |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Product-SizeChart()
Product-SizeChart : This endpoint is called when the "Size Chart" link on the product details page is clicked
Type | Description |
querystringparameter |
cid - Size Chart ID |
category |
non-sensitve |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Product-Variation()
Product-Variation : This endpoint is called when all the product variants are selected
Type | Description |
querystringparameter |
pid - Product ID |
querystringparameter |
quantity - Quantity |
querystringparameter |
dwvar_ |
querystringparameter |
dwvar_ |
category |
non-sensitive |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
get |