SDAPI Usage 2.0

The Script Debugger API (SDAPI) consists of resources which accept HTTP requests and return HTTP responses. A resource is addressed by its unique URL, which includes the API version. Data is transported using request or header parameters, or within the request body as a JSON document with a defined structure.

The following topics contain information about using the Script Debugger API:

Topic Description
Client application identification You must ensure that your client application identifies itself for security and tracking purposes.
Data Formats The SDAPI supports the JSON format only.
HTTP Methods You create requests based on standard HTTP methods (as defined by RFC 2616).
HTTP status codes and faults You can diagnose problems or failures by examining HTTP status codes and faults.
Pagination You can use pagination to break up large responses into smaller chunks.
URL Syntax You must create appropriately constructed URLs to operate on resources.
Versioning and deprecation policy You must ensure that your application conforms to the versioning and deprecation policy.
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