Browser-Based Local Data Storage

Commerce Cloud uses browser cookies and session storage objects to store and track information.

Browser cookies and session storage object information can exist on machines with browsers running Commerce Cloud merchant applications, or with browsers accessing websites that run on Commerce Cloud.

The following terms appear in this document:
  • User: A person who uses Commerce Cloud merchant applications such as Business Manager.
  • Shopper: A person who visits a website that runs on Commerce Cloud.

When processing privacy requests from shoppers for account deletion or the Right to be Forgotten, merchants can inform or remind the shopper about the cookies set on Commerce Cloud websites. Although these data objects are no longer used after their lifespans expire, they might persist on a shopper’s browser. Depending on the scope of a shopper's request, a merchant might remind them that they can and, in some cases, should delete all data objects from their own browsers if they wish to withdraw consent or completely delete all identifiable data from Commerce Cloud. Instructions for deleting these objects manually depends on the browser type. Instruct shoppers to refer to the documentation for their browser. Merchants should consult their own legal advisors when responding to privacy requests.

Note: You might want to implement functionality on your storefront that allows shoppers to easily delete their own Commerce Cloud cookies. For example, you could create a privacy information page with a button that deletes Commerce Cloud cookies from the shopper's browser.
Note: In the following tables, an asterisk in an object name represents a random string appended to the name. For example, the dwac_* cookie might appear on a user’s computer as "dwac_js894CJS92kD."

Shopper Applications

The following Commerce Cloud shopper-facing applications use cookies that can exist on a shopper's computer:

  • Salesforce B2C Commerce Storefront
  • SiteGenesis
  • Commerce Cloud Einstein

B2C Commerce Storefront

Used by B2C Commerce to operate a storefront.

Cookie Lifespan Cookie Type Description
dwanonymous_* 180 days Required Random ID used to identify an unregistered shopper or a shopper who has not yet logged in independent of the session. For example, this is used to track basket and order activity and for analytics. It is not used for any activity that occurs after the shopper registers an account. The * in the cookie name is a value unique to the site.
dwsid Current session Required Identifies the current browsing session.
sid Current session Required Identifies the current browsing session. The Salesforce Reference Architecture (SFRA) uses this to determine whether to display the cookie hint content asset. Only used by SFRA and by customizations.
dwsecuretoken_* Current session Required Used with dwsid to secure the session through HTTPS. The * in the cookie name is a value unique to the site.
dwcustomer_* 180 days Functional Identifies a registered shopper. Used only when the shopper selects Remember Me. (This is an optional website feature.) The * in the cookie name is a value unique to the site.
dw_dnt* Current session Functional Controls client-side JavaScript for Commerce Cloud tracking features (Analytics, Einstein, and ActiveData). Commerce Cloud sets it with each page response, based on the value of the corresponding session attribute TrackingAllowed. The value of this cookie always matches that of the Einstein __cq_dnt cookie.
dwac_* Current session Functional Stores the following data for analytics purposes: Session ID, report suite name, shopper’s customer ID, source code group ID (encoded), currency mnemonic, and time zone. The * in the cookie name is a value unique to the site.
dwpersonalization_* 180 days Functional Tracks participation in A/B test groups for analytics purposes. If the shopper participated in a test, then the value is cleared when the shopper logs out. The * in the cookie name is a value unique to the site.
dwsourcecode_* Varies from 0-999 days Functional Stores the source code for campaign and affiliate tracking. You set the lifespan of this cookie for each source code in Business Manager. The * in the cookie name is a value unique to the site.
__anact Ephemeral Functional Transfers some Analytics-related data to the front end, such as data for no-hit searches.
dw_store 180 days Functional The store id for the session. This is used for the Store-Specific Pricing and Promotion feature. When a shopper enters a postal or zip code, it is used to locate the nearest store and store that in this cookie to drive pricing and promo experiences.
dw_effective_time Session Functional The effective time for the session. This is used for the Shop the Future feature. When the shopper enters an effective date, for example, future order pick up, it is used to find the accurate pricing and promotions to display to the shopper.

The Shop the Future feature is not supported in Product List Pages.

_cfduid 30 days Required Helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to customers' websites and minimize blocking of legitimate users. Can be used on customers' end user devices to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and can apply security settings on a per-client basis. This is required to support Cloudflare's security features.

See Cloudflare's documentation for details on this third-party cookie.


Used by SiteGenesis and available for use by sites based on SiteGenesis. Not used by SFRA.

Cookie Lifespan Cookie Type Description
dw_cookies_accepted Current session Required

When the merchant has enabled the cookie hint notice, it records that the shopper has acknowledged that cookies are being used.

See SiteGenesis Standards Compliance for more information.

dw_TLSWarning 30 days Required Identifies whether the shopper's browser only supports outdated versions of TLS. Set to true if the browser fails the compatibility check or if the check can't be completed.

See TLS Browser Detection for information on the compatibility check.

dw Current session Functional This cookie has been deprecated and is no longer used to collect data. It is in the process of being removed from the SiteGenesis codebase.

Used by Einstein for AI functionality

The uuid (third-party) and __cq_uuid (first-party) cookies contain a randomly-generated user ID that exists on a shopper's browser and may be used during a visit to any Commerce Cloud website, regardless of the merchant. These cookies are only set or accessed during a site visit if the __cq_dnt cookie, which tracks consent, is not set. The merchant is responsible for obtaining and tracking consent.

Note: Once a value is set for these cookies, it remains until it expires or until the shopper deletes it from the browser. When a shopper visits a Commerce Cloud merchant site where the __cq_dnt cookie is set, these cookies are simply ignored. If a shopper requests that a merchant delete their data, then all data associating that shopper with the cookie value is removed from the merchant's Commerce Cloud instance. The cookies may remain on the shopper's browser, but can no longer be connected to that shopper by that merchant.

Data Object Lifespan Cookie Type Description
cqcid Current session Required Hashed ID for an unregistered shopper.
cquid Current session Required Hashed ID for a known shopper.
__cq_uuid 13 months Functional First-party version of the third-party uuid cookie. Contains a randomly generated user ID. Used to collect information about the shopper's activities on the merchant's own website. This information is also used for analytics purposes, including by Commerce Cloud Reports and Dashboards.
__cqact Current session Required Holds the queue of browser activities until they are sent.
__cqviews Current session Required If sessionStorage is not available, contains the most recently viewed recommendations until they are sent.
__cqsviews Current session Required If sessionStorage is not available, contains the products in the most recent search results until they are sent.
__cqcviews Current session Required If sessionStorage is not available, contains the products in the most recently viewed category page until they are sent.
__cq_anchor Current session Required If sessionStorage is not available, contains the anchor products for recommendations on a page.
weird_get_top_level_domain Current session Required Detects the root domain on the page.
__cq_bc 30 days Functional First-party version of the bc cookie. Contains activity history, such as the last 10 products viewed by the shopper.
__cq_seg 30 days Functional Contains inferred shopping propensity attributes and other segment attributes used in predictive sort. (First-party version)
__cq_dnt 12 months Functional Indicates that the browser has opted out of CC Einstein tracking for this site. Commerce Cloud sets it with each page response based on the value of the corresponding session attribute TrackingAllowed. The value of this cookie always matches that of the Storefront dw_dnt* cookie.
cq Current session Functional (Session storage object) Tests whether sessionStorage is available.
cq.anchor Current session Functional (Session storage object) Contains anchor product IDs.
cq.viewReco Current session Functional (Session storage object) Contains the most recently viewed recommendations.
cq.viewSearch Current session Functional (Session storage object) Contains products from the most recent search results.
cq.viewCategory Current session Functional (Session storage object) Contains products from the most recently viewed category page.
__cq_seg 30 days Functional Contains inferred shopping propensity attributes. Third-party cookie set on
uuid 30 days Functional Third-party version of the first-party __cq_uuid cookie set on Contains a randomly generated user ID. Used to track data for analytics purposes, including Commerce Cloud's own analytics as described in the Trust & Compliance documentation, such as Commerce Cloud Reports and Dashboards.
bc 30 days Functional Contains activity history, such as the last 10 products viewed by the shopper. Third-party cookie set on
__cq_recoUUID Current session Functional Tracks the recommendation request so that a click can be attributed to it.
__cq_banditPrediction Current session Functional Tracks the contextual bandit response so that a click can be attributed to it.

Merchant Applications

The following Commerce Cloud merchant applications use cookies that can exist on a user's computer. No shopper data is involved.

  • Control Center
  • Account Manager
  • Log Center
  • Business Manager
  • Order Management
  • Commerce Cloud Reports and Dashboards

Control Center

Cookie Lifespan Cookie Type Description
SESSION Current session Required Identifies the current browsing session.
XSRF-TOKEN Current session Required Used to validate requests. This protects against CSRF.

Account Manager

Cookie Lifespan Cookie Type Description
JSESSIONID Current session Required Identifies the current browsing session.
dwAccountManager Current session Required Authenticated session ID
amlbcookie Current session Required OpenAM-specific load-balancing cookie for Account Manager (not used).
NGINX_SESSION Current session Required Load-balancing cookie for Account Manager
XSRF-TOKEN Current session Required CSRF protection token

Log Center

Cookie Lifespan Cookie Type Description
JSESSIONID Current session Required Identifies the current browsing session.

Business Manager

Cookie Lifespan Cookie Type Description
dwbmsid Current session Required Identifies the current browsing session when the Separate Business Manager Session Cookie feature is active.
_ga 720 days Required Identifies the official Google Analytics cookie. As per Google documentation, this cookie distinguishes users. Commerce Cloud sends the following data as part of this cookie:
  • user ID
  • page information
  • customer (merchant), such as Tory Burch
  • site
  • PSD, such as production, staging, development
  • page, such as page module
_gat 1 minute Required Identifies the official Google Analytics cookie. Per Google documentation, this cookie throttles the request rate. This is a temporary cookie with a life span of 1 minute and doesn't include any personal identifiable information.
pendo_identity 94 days Required Identifies the Pendo cookie that processes the Salesforce Commerce Cloud data.
pendo.sess.jwt 36 hours Required Identifies the Pendo cookie that processes the Salesforce Commerce Cloud data.

Order Management

Cookie Lifespan Cookie Type Description
.BF397AUTH Current session Required Stores authentication token.
ASP.NET_SessionId 15 minutes when true; 30 minutes when false Required Identifies the authenticated session ID.
AWSELB Current session Required (For AWS users) Identifies the load-balancer session.
RETAILCENTER Permanent Required Identifies the store when a user selects the store in Retail Center. The value is specific to the computer.
AWSELBCORS Current session Required (For AWS users) Uses session for session stickness.
MscState Current session Required Identifies the session cookie for the sdk and website. The cookie saves the cart data in Customer Service Center, the identity of how users are logged in, and the cultural locale information for the logged in user.
__dwocXtkn Current session Required AntiCSRF validation token
CSC.minstate Current session Required Identifies the Customer Service Center's session state.

Commerce Cloud Reports and Dashboards

Cookie Lifespan Cookie Type Description
connect.sid 1 hour Required Identifies the current browsing session.
XSRF-TOKEN 1 year Required Validates requests. Protects against CSRF.
_pendo_accountid* Varies Functional Processes data for Pendo analytics. Also used by Einstein and Business Manager.
_pendo_meta* Varies Functional Processes data for Pendo analytics. Also used by Einstein and Business Manager.
_pendo_visitorid* Varies Functional Processes data for Pendo analytics. Also used by Einstein and Business Manager.
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