Create Page Meta Tag Rules

Using static and dynamic elements, you can define meta tags with a rule-based approach to create unique meta tag content and increase the SEO value across pages, products, and URLs.

The rules Commerce Cloud uses to generate meta tags are inherited via a lookup order.

  1. Navigate to Merchant Tools > SEO > Page Meta Tag Rules.
  2. To see a filtered view of all current meta tags within a scope, click the scope title, or the number in the middle of the scope tile.
    Scope defines the context in which the page meta page rule is evaluated. Each scope supports a specific list of operators. For example, Product scope defines rules for the product details page context.
    To switch between scopes from the filtered view, use the scope dropdown on the left or change the filter view settings on the right.
    Note: To create a tag for a scope from the Page Meta Tag Rules homepage, click New on any tile.
  3. Click New.
    1. Name the meta tag.
    2. Verify that the scope is correct. If not, change the scope.
    3. Select a Meta Tag ID.
    4. Choose a locale.
    5. Enter the meta tag rules following the meta tag rule syntax.
      Each rule can contain up to 4000 characters.
    6. Enter a description.
    7. Click Save.
      The meta tag entry is now added. Refresh the Page Meta Tag Rules homepage.
  4. To assign a meta tag, navigate to the respective filtered scope view.
  5. Find the meta tag in the list and click the number in the Assignments column.
    To delete or edit a meta tag entry, click the dropdown icon for that meta tag.
  6. Select an Assignment in the Assignments dialog.
    You can be as broad or detailed as you want. All children inherit the assigned rules.
  7. To save, click Select.

    No index rebuild is necessary to apply, but it may take up to 30 minutes to finalize.

Preview Page Meta Tags

You can preview your page meta tags.

  1. To preview page meta tags, use one of the following navigation paths:
    • For home page rules for sites select Administration > Sites > Manage Sites > SiteID . Click Edit.

    • For detail and list page rules for products select site > Merchant Tools > Products and Catalogs > Catalogs > catalogID . Click Edit.
    • For detail and list page rules for content select site > Merchant Tools > Content > Libraries > libraryID > folderID . Click Edit.
    • For detail page rules for product select site > Merchant Tools > Products and Catalogs > Products > productID .
    • For detail page rules for content select site > Merchant Tools > Content > Libraries > libraryID > folder > contentID .
  2. Click the Page Meta Tag Rules tab.
  3. Select a locale.
  4. Select between Product Listing Page or Product Detail Page scope.
    • If viewing the Product Listing Page scope, you can add a search filter to test the page meta tag rules based on SearchRefinements or SearchPhrase.
    • If viewing the Product Detail Page scope, you can search for a product to get a preview for the defined detail page rules.
    The Page Meta Tag IDs, Rules, and Content display.