
Name Description
ArrayList The ArrayList class is a container for a list of objects.
Assert The Assert class provides utility methods for assertion events.
BigInteger The Integer class is a helper class to represent an arbitrary long integer number.
Bytes A simple immutable class representing an array of bytes, used for working with binary data in a scripting context.
Calendar Represents a Calendar and is based on the java.util.Calendar class.
Collection Represents a collection of objects.
Currency Represents a currency supported by the system.
DateUtils A class with several utility methods for Date objects.Deprecated:See each method for additional information.
Decimal The Decimal class is a helper class to perform decimal arithmetic in scripts and to represent a decimal number with arbitray length.
FilteringCollection FilteringCollection is an extension of Collection which provides possibilities to filter the elements to return a new FilteringCollection with a filtered set of elementssort the elements to return a new FilteringCollection with a defined sort ordertransform the elements to return a new FilteringCollection containing related elementsprovide a map of the elements against a predefined keyUsage - In the current version each FilteringCollection provides a set of predefined qualifier constants which can be passed into the select(Object) method used to filter the elements.
Geolocation Read-only class representing a position on the earth (latitude and longitude) and information associated with that location (e.g.
HashMap Represents a hash map of objects.
HashSet Represents a HashSet
Iterator The Iterator class allows you to access items in a collection.
LinkedHashMap This class implements a HashMap, which guarantees a iteration order according the put-order of the elements in the map.
LinkedHashSet The class LinkedHashSet implements a hash set with a guaranteed iteration order.
List An ordered collection of objects.
Locale Represents a Locale supported by the system.
Map Represents a Map of objects.
MapEntry The class represent an entry within a Map.
MappingKey Encapsulates the key for a mapping read in with the ImportKeyValueMapping job step.
MappingMgr Used to manage and interface with mappings loaded into the system via the ImportKeyValueMapping job step.
PropertyComparator This comparator can be used for the List sort() methods and for the SortSet and SortedMap classes.
SecureEncoder SecureEncoder contains many methods for manipulating untrusted data Strings into RFC-Compliant Strings for a given context by encoding "bad" data into the proper format.
SecureFilter SecureFilter contains many methods for manipulating untrusted data Strings into RFC-Compliant Strings for a given context by removing "bad" data from the untrusted data.
SeekableIterator A special Iterator, which is returned by the system to iterate through large sets of data.
Set Represents a set of objects.
SortedMap A map that further guarantees that it will be in ascending key order, sorted according to the natural ordering of its keys, or by a comparator provided at sorted map creation time.
SortedSet A set that further guarantees that its iterator will traverse the set in ascending element order, sorted according to the natural ordering of its elements (only supported for Number, String, Date, Money and Quantity), or by a comparator provided at sorted set creation time.
StringUtils String utility class.
Template Reads an ISML template from the file system and renders it into a MimeEncodedText object.
UUIDUtils Utility methods around generating unique IDs.