Promotions Source Code Dashboard

The Promotions Source Code Dashboard is a single point source for all source code data.

You can use the dashboard to view source code conversion activity, and to determine which campaigns are driving orders and revenue in your storefront.

The dashboard has three reports.
  • Source Code Activations
  • Order Conversion Results
  • Conversion of Source Codes

You can use the dashboard date range and filters settings to create a custom view of the metrics. You can filter the dashboard by site, device type (desktop, phone, tablet, unknown or unrecognized), and customer registration (registered or unregistered). Depending on your business needs, you can also download the metrics for each report as a csv file.

Table 1. Dashboard Definitions
Term Definition
Source Code A code provided by a redirect link.
Activation The initiation of a source code when a customer clicks a redirect link that includes the source code.
Active Source Code A source code that is known and active.
Inactive Source Code A source code that is known but not currently active.
Invalid Source Code A source code that is unknown to the system.
ATC Rate Add-to-Cart Rate measured as Add-to-Cart/Clicks.

Source Code Activations

The Source Code Activations report is a bar graph that illustrates the percentage of total source code activations per source code classification. To see the exact percentage and the average merchandise sales per order conversion, mouse over the bars.

A source code activation happens when a customer clicks a link that contains a source code. You can use the report metrics to inventory your source codes and evaluate their conversion to orders. For example, you can compare results from active source codes with your expected promotion campaign performance.

The report graphs and shows metrics for the following classifications:
  • Activations with Active Source Codes: All visits with at least one source code.
  • Activations with Inactive Source Codes: All visits with a source code that is known but not currently active.
  • Activations with Invalid Source Codes: All visits with a source code that is unknown to the system.
  • Total Orders With Active Source Codes: Orders placed with at least one active source code.
  • Total Orders with Inactive Source Codes: Orders placed with at least one inactive source code.
  • Total orders with Invalid Source Codes: Orders placed with at least one invalid source code.

Order Conversion Results

The report shows order conversion by source code classification. An order conversion is the percentage of source code visits that created at least one order.

This report associates orders for all source codes in a session. Because multiple source codes can be associated with an affiliate link, the sum of order totals can be greater than the real order totals. For example, a visit has two source codes and one order. This report tracks the order for each of the source codes as a source code conversion.

If a session has multiple source codes with different status, such as invalid or inactive, the system reports a visit for each of these statuses.

Order Conversions with Active Source Codes: Orders placed during active source code sessions. You can use this data to review the conversion success of your active source codes.

Order Conversions with Inactive Source Codes: Orders placed during active source code sessions. High results in this category indicate that inactive source codes are still in use.

Order Conversions with Invalid Source Codes: Orders placed during inactive source code sessions. High numbers in this category can indicate unintended source code activation. For example, a high number of invalid source code activations that result in orders can mean that you have old source codes to update or remove.

Conversion of Source Codes

The Conversion of Source Codes report provides metrics on source code activations that created at least one order. You can filter the report by Active, Inactive, or Invalid source codes. The report associates source code groups with orders, and reports the following metrics:
  • Group: The source code group to which the source codes associated with orders belong.
  • Site: The redirect link site. For example, a promotions page on your site.
  • Activations: The number of times a source code assigned to the group is activated.
  • Orders: The number of orders created in all source code sessions.
  • Merchandise Total: The number of items ordered for all source code sessions.
  • Avg. Merchandise Total Per Usage: The average sales amount per source code session.
  • Avg. Merchandise Per Order: The average value of each order placed during a source code session.
  • Number of items Per Order: The number of items in each source code session order.
  • Order Conversion Rate: The percentage of source code sessions that result in at least one order.
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