Delete Customer Lists

You can delete customer lists as necessary.

To manage customer lists, you must have permission to access Administration > Sites > Customer Lists.

A customer list is a group of customer records that can be shared across multiple sites. Customer lists enable customers to create a profile for one site and use that profile for other sites where that customer list is assigned.

Important: If you delete a customer list on Production, you must also delete it on Staging so that it isn't replicated back to Production. It's best practice to delete a customer list on Production by deleting it on Staging first, and then replicating to Production. Deleting a customer list on Production by replication can be undone by rolling back the replication. However, you can't restore a customer list on Staging. If you simply re-create the customer list with the same ID on Staging and perform the replication again, the customer list is replaced on Production. All customer data in that customer list is deleted on Production.
Note: Because active data is collected per site, Business Manager shows the active data of the customers of the currently selected site.
  1. Select Administration > Sites > Customer Lists.
  2. In the Sites column, ensure that there are no sites assigned to the list.

    When you delete a customer list, consider the following:

    • If a customer list is assigned to one or more sites, you can’t delete the customer list.
    • You unassign the list from all sites first. There is no cross-instance check whether a customer list is assigned or not. For example, you can delete an unassigned customer list on Staging when its corresponding customer list on Production is assigned.
    • On a Production instance, you must contact Commerce Cloud Support to delete a customer list.
    • On a Staging instance, you can delete a customer list if it is not replicated to a Production instance. To delete a replicated customer list, contact Commerce Cloud Support.
    Important: If you delete a customer list, you can delete all of your customer data. The lost data is likely not recoverable.
  3. If there are customers in the list and you want to delete them, do the following:
    1. Click the customer list name.
    2. On the Customer List page, click the Customers tab.
    3. To find all customers, click Find.
    4. Click Delete All and click OK when prompted.
    5. On the Batch Processes page, click Refresh until the Deleting Customers process shows Success in the Status column.
    6. Select Administration > Sites > Customer Lists.
  4. On the Customer Lists page, check the box for any list you want to remove and click Delete. If a site is assigned to it, a customer list can't be deleted.
  5. On the Site Assignments tab, specify the sites that use a different customer list and click Apply.