(static) Base/Cart-AddBonusProducts()
Cart-AddBonusProducts : The Cart-AddBonusProducts endpoint handles adding bonus products to basket
Type | Description |
querystringparameter |
pids - an object containing: 1. totalQty (total quantity of total bonus products) 2. a list of bonus products with each index being an object containing pid (product id of the bonus product), qty (quantity of the bonus product), a list of options of the bonus product |
querystringparameter |
uuid - UUID of the mian product |
querystringparameter |
pliuud - UUID of the bonus product line item |
category |
sensitive |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
post |
(static) Base/Cart-AddCoupon()
Cart-AddCoupon : The Cart-AddCoupon endpoint is responsible for adding a coupon to a basket
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.https |
middleware |
csrfProtection.validateAjaxRequest |
querystringparameter |
couponCode - the coupon code to be applied |
querystringparameter |
csrf_token - hidden input field csrf token |
category |
sensitive |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Cart-AddProduct(-json)
Cart-AddProduct : The Cart-MiniCart endpoint is responsible for displaying the cart icon in the header with the number of items in the current basket
Name | Type | Description |
httpparameter |
pid - product ID |
httpparameter |
quantity - quantity of product |
httpparameter |
options - list of product options |
category |
sensitive |
-json |
returns | |
serverfunction |
post |
(static) Base/Cart-EditBonusProduct()
Cart-EditBonusProduct : The Cart-EditBonusProduct endpoint is responsible for editing the bonus products in a basket
Type | Description |
querystringparameter |
duuid - discount line item UUID |
category |
sensitive |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Cart-EditProductLineItem()
Cart-EditProductLineItem : The Cart-EditProductLineItem endpoint edits a product line item in the basket on cart page
Type | Description |
httpparameter |
uuid - UUID of product line item being edited |
httpparameter |
pid - Product ID |
httpparameter |
quantity - Quantity |
httpparameter |
selectedOptionValueId - ID of selected option |
category |
sensitive |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
post |
(static) Base/Cart-Get()
Cart-Get : The Cart-Get endpoints is responsible for returning the current basket in JSON format
Type | Description |
category |
sensitive |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Cart-GetProduct()
Cart-GetProduct : The Cart-GetProduct endpoint handles showing the product details in a modal/quickview for editing a product in basket on cart page
Type | Description |
querystringparameter |
uuid - UUID of the product line item (to edit) |
category |
sensitive |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Cart-MiniCart()
Cart-MiniCart : The Cart-MiniCart endpoint is responsible for displaying the cart icon in the header with the number of items in the current basket
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.include |
category |
sensitive |
renders |
isml |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Cart-MiniCartShow()
Cart-MiniCartShow : The Cart-MiniCartShow is responsible for getting the basket and showing the contents when you hover over minicart in header
Type | Description |
category |
sensitive |
renders |
isml |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Cart-RemoveCouponLineItem()
Cart-RemoveCouponLineItem : The Cart-RemoveCouponLineItem endpoint is responsible for removing a coupon from a basket
Type | Description |
querystringparameter |
code - the coupon code |
querystringparameter |
uuid - the UUID of the coupon line item object |
category |
sensitive |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Cart-RemoveProductLineItem()
Cart-RemoveProductLineItem : The Cart-RemoveProductLineItem endpoint removes a product line item from the basket
Type | Description |
querystringparameter |
pid - the product id |
querystringparameter |
uuid - the universally unique identifier of the product object |
category |
sensitive |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Cart-SelectShippingMethod()
Cart-SelectShippingMethod : The Cart-SelectShippingMethod endpoint is responsible for assigning a shipping method to the shipment in basket
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.https |
querystringparameter |
methodID - ID of the selected shipping method |
querystringparameter |
shipmentUUID - UUID of the shipment object |
httpparameter |
methodID - ID of the selected shipping method |
httpparameter |
shipmentUUID - UUID of the shipment object |
category |
sensitive |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
post |
(static) Base/Cart-Show()
Cart-Show : The Cart-Show endpoint renders the cart page with the current basket
Type | Description |
middleware |
server.middleware.https |
middleware |
consentTracking.consent |
middleware |
csrfProtection.generateToken |
category |
sensitive |
renders |
isml |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Cart-UpdateQuantity()
Cart-UpdateQuantity : The Cart-UpdateQuantity endpoint handles updating the quantity of a product line item in the basket
Type | Description |
querystringparameter |
pid - the product id |
querystringparameter |
quantity - the quantity to be updated for the line item |
querystringparameter |
uuid - the universally unique identifier of the product object |
category |
sensitive |
returns |
json |
serverfunction |
get |