Cartridge Directory Using WebDAV

Download or view cartridges using a browser or a WebDAV client.

Use the following URL convention:

https://<hostname>/on/demandware.servlet/webdav/<organization>/​cartridges/<code version ID>
Note: An example of <organization> is Sites, for example,
Note: If you want to use WebDAV to access cartridges, the name of the directory that contains the cartridges can contain no more than 50 characters.

The currently selected code version is stored in this file:


When using WebDAV to access your cartridges, you are prompted to enter a username and password. Use your Business Manager username and password.

There are other WebDAV URLs for accessing catalog and content library assets. Select Administration > Site Development > Development Setup for WebDAV access via URL references.

Using WebDAV is one way to access a server-based file system to verify if the correct code has been uploaded. Another way is via the Business Manager.

Common problems include:

  • The server connection was disabled.
  • The server did not access your cartridge.
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