Create a Shipping Promotion Rule

A shipping promotion applies to shipping costs, for example Free shipping on orders over $100. Because a cart can contain multiple shipments, a product shipping promotion is applied to each shipment individually.

  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Online Marketing > Promotions.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter or select the general promotion information and click Apply.
    The Promotion Rule section opens.
  4. For the Promotion class, select Shipping.
  5. Select a promotion type.
  6. Specify the discount. When entering a cash amount, don't include a currency symbol.
  7. To tier discounts, click Add and add another discount. This isn't compatible with Combination of Shipment-Qualifying Product rules.
    Make sure your tier thresholds are unique. For example, you can't create two tiered discounts that both trigger at $100.
  8. To specify qualifying products:
    • For Amount or Number of Shipment-Qualifying Products rules, click Edit, select a qualifier, operator, value, catalog, and click Save.
    • For Combination of Shipment-Qualifying Products rules, click Add and specify how many qualifying products are necessary. Then click Edit and define the product group. If you add products but don't define a product group, the promotion can never trigger.

    When you specify qualifying products, only these products receive the discount. Otherwise, all products in the order are considered qualifying and receive the discount.

  9. To specify applicable shipping methods, click Edit, select shipping types, click Assign, and click Save.
  10. To alert customers that their order is approaching a discount promotion, select Alert. Enter the merchandise total amount that is required to trigger the alert.
  11. Specify restrictions (for Number of Shipment-Qualifying Products).
    If you don't specify restrictions, the promotion applies even if the shipment contains some non-qualifying products.
  12. To limit how many times a promotion apply on multi-shipment orders, set a Maximum Application. This isn't compatible with Combination of Shipment-Qualifying Product rules.

    When you set a Maximum Application, the promotion applies to the specified number of shipments, starting from most expensive. Otherwise, the promotion applies to all shipments.

    For example, you specify a maximum application of two and the shipment totals are: $130, $170 and $250. Only the $250 and $170 order receive the promotion.

  13. Click Apply.
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