Launch the Tableau Connector

From the Tableau desktop application, launch the connector as a web data connector.

  1. Click Web Data Connector.
  2. In the popup, enter the data connector URL
  3. In the Commerce Cloud Account Manager login, enter your Account Manager API Client ID and password.
  4. Click Log in.
  5. Select you data subject areas.
    1. Click the subject area tile for the data want to access in Tableau.
    2. If your Commerce Cloud implementation has multiple realms, from the Realm dropdown, select the realm from where you want to analyze data.
      Note: Data is pulled from all sites assigned to the selected realm.
  6. Select the attribute and metrics that you want to use. To select all attributes, select Attributes. To select all metrics, select Metrics. To select all attributes and all metrics, select FIELDS.
    Note: You can minimize query time by selecting only the attributes and metrics that yo need for your query.
  7. Set the date range that you want to evaluate. The maximum is 3 months. You can view any past data for which you have data up to a 3-month range.
  8. Click Create Datasource.
    Your data is imported into Tableau. From this point you use Tableau to create your data visualizations.
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