Analytics Reporting Integration in SFRA

To record Analytics events in SFRA, you construct the corresponding URL patterns by calling helper methods in the reportingUrls.js module. Each of these helper methods constructs URLs and returns an array of URLs. This array is then passed as a variable (pdict.reportingURLs) to the template reportingUrls.isml.

SFRA Analytics Reporting Helper Script

The app_storefront_base/cartridge/scripts/reportingUrls.js script provides the following helper method:

getCheckoutReportingURLs(UUID, step, stepName)               // Checkout event

SFRA Analytics Reporting Template

The following code snippet shows the body of the app_storefront_base/cartridge/templates/default/reporting/reportingUrls.isml template:

<isloop items="${pdict.reportingURLs}" var="URL">
	<isinclude url="${URL}" />

For any SFRA template to record Analytics events, include this template. For example, here is a code snippet taken from the app_storefront_base/cartridge/templates/default/checkout/confirmation/confirmation.isml template:

<isif condition="${pdict.reportingURLs && pdict.reportingURLs.length}">
	<isinclude template="reporting/reportingUrls" />
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