Page Type, Component Type, and Custom Attribute Editor IDs

A page type, component type, or custom attribute editor ID is a combination of the subdirectory (if any) where the meta definition file and script file are located and the file name without the extension. Separate the levels of the subdirectory and the file name with periods. For example, for a page type named homepage with a meta definition file and script file located directly under cartridge/experience/pages, the page type ID is homepage. If the meta definition file and script file for homepage are located in a subdirectory storefront/campaigns under cartridge/experience/pages, the page type ID is storefront.campaigns.homepage.

Length Restrictions for Page Type and Component Type IDs

When component types and page types are persisted in the database, their IDs are prepended with the prefixes page. or component.. Those prefixes, plus the IDs of the page types and component types, cannot exceed 256 characters, or else errors will occur. Adjust the file names or move the meta definition file and script file to a higher level in the directory structure to shorten the ID.

Table 1. Example IDs
Location of Page Type, Component Type, or Custom Control ID
mycartridge/cartridge/experience/components/assets/headlinebanner.json assets.headlinebanner
mycartridge/cartridge/experience/components/assets/banners/headlinebanner.json assets.banners.headlinebanner
mycartridge/cartridge/experience/pages/promopage.json promopage
mycartridge/cartridge/experience/pages/promotions/promopage.json promotions.promopage
mycartridge/cartridge/experience/editors/com/sfcc/magical.json com.sfcc.magical